[Liam W.] Thread Solutions

xF2 Add-on [Liam W.] Thread Solutions 2.5.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 2.0
  2. 2.1
  3. 2.2
This add-on allows your users to mark a thread as 'solved' by choosing a post as a solution. These posts are given markup, to make them more obvious, and a link at the top of the thread allows the user to be taken directly to the solution.

Multiple solutions per thread are allowed, allowing more than one person to be appreciated for giving a resolving answer.
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35.7 KB
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Update 2.5.0

    Changed : N/A Added : Now you can convert solutions from this add-on to solutions by XenForo...
  2. Update 2.4.3 Fix 1

    Changed : The JS file was missing from the downloads. Added : N/A Removed : N/A Note ...
  3. Update 2.4.3

    Changed : Changed add-on title to [Liam W.] Thread Solutions. Some change in the Setup.php...

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