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[Liam W] (RIP) Mentions Mini Avatars

xF2 Add-on [Liam W] (RIP) Mentions Mini Avatars 2.0.0 Patch Level 1

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 2.0
  2. 2.1
  3. 2.2
This install-and-done add-on will add user avatars to the left of any mentions of them.

This add-on uses the XF2 'embed metadata' system to store the mentioned users with each message. This means that for any message created after this add-on is installed, there will only be one additional query per thread for the user avatars.

For messages created before this add-on is installed, there is an option to control what you wish to happen. This provides three alternatives:
  • Always [load legacy mentions]
    This will only show an avatar with pre-addon message mentions, either loading the user from the entity cache, or querying the database for the user if it isn't cached. This can cause an increase in per-page queries, depending on the number of mentioned users that are in the entity cache.
  • [Load] Cached only [legacy mentions]
    This will only show an avatar with pre-addon message mentions if the mentioned user is in the entity cache.
  • Never [load legacy mentions]
    This will not show avatars for mentions in pre-addon messages.
Note: For this first beta, all messages other than posts will be treated as pre-addon messages, however the metadata is being stored with them for beta 2.
102.7 KB
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. [Liam W] (RIP) Mentions Mini Avatars for XenForo 2.1+ Update 2.0.0 Patch Level 1

    Fix: compatibility with XENTR/RichUsername
  2. [Liam W] (RIP) Mentions Mini Avatars for XenForo 2.1+ Update 2.0.0

    Support: XF 2.2
  3. [Liam W] (RIP) Mention Mini Avatars for XenForo 2.1+ Update 1.0.1

    This update should fix the random editing any thread/post removes the mini avatars and replaces...

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