
Script LaraClassifier 15.1.6 Nulled

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  • Minor improvements.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Phone numbers validation improved
    (allowing admin users to select a phone numbers validator from the Admin panel).
  • Admin panel's settings models' JS improved.
  • Page titles during updates which were always null fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Admin panel’s settings models’ JS import improved.
  • DB tables prefix and tables names collision fixed.
  • Splitting of the "Single (Page & Form)" settings group to "Listing Forms Options" and "Listing Details Page Options".
  • Renaming of the "List & Search" to "Listings List Options".
  • Add a global "Type of display" option for categories in the group of settings "Listing Forms Options".
  • Resend support added (as new mail sending driver).
  • Backed enumerations implemented for the Continents, Genders, Listing Types, User Types entities, and removal of their DB tables.
  • Append "excerpt" column for listings collections from the API.
  • Listings list grid template improved.
  • Pure JS autocomplete implemented (Replaces the version which uses jQuery).
  • Some drivers and web services validation (like: Mail, SMS, ...) options improved.
  • The pricing page will no longer force to be shown during the listing creation process when the logged in user has a valid subscription.
  • Delivery the right error message, when action cannot be done under impersonation.
  • Properly apply the "Currency Exchange" and the "Domain Mapping" plugins middlewares when the plugins are installed.
  • Minor Improvements.
  • Minor Bugs fixed.


From the v15.0.0, the script requires PHP 8.2 or higher (also for PHP-cli for the cron-job).
The cURL PHP extension version 7.34.0 or higher is also required.
Make sure you have upgraded your installed plugins (by replacing the plugins' files also).

  • Laravel 11.x support added.
  • MailerSend support added (as new mail sending driver).
  • Admin panel: Option to manage items per page & limit added. Available in the Admin panel → Settings → General → Pagination.
  • Admin panel: Option to manage the social media links in the footer added.
  • Admin panel: Option to manage the social media share icons added (Support for more social media added).
  • Dark mode theme added (Can be set in users area when admin user enables the option).
  • Allow to set a logo for light mode and another for dark mode. The main logo will be used as fallback for both modes.
  • Admin panel: Options to manage the admin panel charts entries limits added (to manage memory usage).
  • Upgrades: All SQL files converted in Laravel migrations.
  • Laravel-Mix updated.
  • Bootstrap framework updated.
  • Font Awesome Free updated from v5.15.4 to v6.5.2
  • Bootstrap Icons updated from v1.9.1 to v1.11.3
  • Social media icons improved (Including new X (Twitter) icon).
  • Exceptions handler improved (and removal of all the dd() function calls in production).
  • Improvements.
  • The "Detect Ads Blocker" plugin assets (css & js) files links fixed.
  • Bugs fixed.
  • Bugfix: Package & package type selection (when the APP_HTTP_CLIENT= variable in the /.env is not curl).
  • Bugfix: 404 error during listing creation (when the APP_HTTP_CLIENT= variable in the /.env is not curl).
  • Localization & Geo location settings improved.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Settings to hide the breadcrumb elements (category, location, ...) of each listing on the listings list pages.
  • Adding of the possibility to select a locale that is available (installed) on the server during language creation or modification.
    This update solves persistent issues with the Turkish language for example, that is set to tr_TR by default.
    A locale with codeset can be selected instead, like: tr_TR.UTF-8, tr_TR.utf8, ... if they are installed on the server.
  • Re-implementation of the app's API consumption via local requests (in addition of cURL usage).
  • Set the local requests as the app's API default type of consumption.
    This can be changed by adding the line APP_HTTP_CLIENT=curl in the /.env file to make external requests instead.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
Fixed Null Version
  • Bugfix: IP addresses saving from client instead of from API.
  • Bugfix: Google social login link fixed.
  • Bugfix: Payment gateways logos display in footer fixed.
  • Bugfix: Loading... effect in the Admin panel lists fixed.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
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