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Known Bots

xF2 Add-on Known Bots 6.1.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 2.0
  2. 2.1
  3. 2.2
  4. 2.3
This XenForo 2.x addon adds additional definitions for bot detection in sessions.

This allows more accurate indication of the number of users vs robots online at any given time.


This addon requires PHP 7.0.0 or higher and works on XenForo 2.x


When you look at Current Visitors, you'll see additional robots identified - also look at the "Robots" list on that page


We also add the current robot count to the Members online widget and the Online statistics widget (from the current visitor page). This can be disabled via the options.



There is a tool in the admin area for displaying a complete list of currently known bots:


... and another tool which lets you test a user agent string to see if it would be detected as a bot or not:


v3 adds a new feature: generic bot detection

User Agent strings are scanned for the keywords "bot", "crawl", or "spider" - any User Agents not already detected as a bot which contain one of these strings are stored in the cache and made visible through the admin UI, with the option to have this information emailed on a weekly basis (not enabled by default).

The default email address to send new bots to will be delivered to me - however, the admin is free to have this information sent to any address they choose and can manually forward the detected bots to me.

To turn on automatic emails of detected user agents, check the Email New Bots option and enter an email (or leave it at the default setting).


There is an admin UI tool to display recently detected bots with a button to send the bot list email immediately:


Privacy Statement

v3 adds new functionality to email the list of new bots detected automatically to an email address configurable by the admin.

The default and recommended value is to email knownbots at

Emails sent to this address will only be used for the purposes of identifying new bots to add to this addon.

Email addresses will NOT be sold or added to any marketing lists - not even ours.

If there are issues detected from the emails you are sending us, we may reply to establish communication - but that will be on a case-by-case basis and only for the purposes of troubleshooting the operation of this addon.

You can check the information contained in the emails by changing the address temporarily to your own so that emails go to you. If you still want us to process these emails - please feel free to forward them to the above address.

Other than a list of user agent strings, the only information contained in the email will be those automatically added to the email header by the forum mailer and SMTP servers.


v3.4 adds new functionality to optionally integrate with the Monolog Logging Service addon to log information about detected bot emails being sent. You simply need to install and configure the Monolog addon and a log file will be created with information every time a logging email is sent (minimum log level should be set to Info for logs to appear).
149.6 KB
First release
Last update

More resources from Admin

Latest updates

  1. v6.1.0 - admin permissions update

    now requires Manage known bots admin permission to see admin tools
  2. v6.0.5 - bugfix

    bugfix: XF2.3 compatibility for sending new bots via an email attachment
  3. v6.0.4 improve XF 2.3 compatibility

    Improved XF 2.3 compatibility

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