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[KL] Telegram Bot (for NSF)

xF2 Beta [KL] Telegram Bot (for NSF) 1.0.0 Beta 4

No permission to download
Bugfixes & Changes
  • A few assorted errors have been resolved.
  • Now triggers notifications upon conversation invitation.
  • Now triggers notification upon new conversations.
  • Now triggers notification upon recieving a reply to a conversation.
  • An error has been resolved that triggered an undefined index warning on user registration.
  • Fixed an error that would break links containing square brackets.
  • Fixed an error that would log an error message on users registering the bot for the first time.
Please update your NSF-Installation as well to recieve all features of this update.
Bugfixes & Changes
  • Fixed a bug in my brain that prevented me from uploading this update even though it has been ready for about three weeks.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent new users from installing this add-on.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent uninstallation of this add-on.
  • Fixed a 'bug' that would prevent the bot from sending any messages if users if they would enter their telegram id with a leading @ (even though the description clearly asked them not to do so... users...)
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent the bot from sending messages in certain occasions and instead throw an error.
Bugfixes & Changes
  • Fixed a bug, that would prevent certain notifications from being sent.
  • Fixed a bug, that would only process confirmation requests once a day, making users effectively wait up to 24 hours for their confirmation instead of the intended 5 minutes.
  • Refactored installer to prevent certain bugs.

jajacaraujoLatest member