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[KL] Fonts Manager

xF1 Add-on [KL] Fonts Manager 2.0.7

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  • Fixed a security issue that would allow for script injection in Webfonts Blacklist Mode.

  • Fixed an error that caused the installer to fail installing some addons, if the server has no file write permission.
  • Fixed an error that caused the installer to fail installing or updating some addons with database tables.
There is no need to install this update, if you're running the latest version (2.0.5).
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Reactions: Tony' and niho
Fixed a bug that prevented fonts from your font list to be rendered when you set the Webfonts List Mode to whitelist. As a consequence, this also passively induces:
  • In the ACP defined local and default fonts are no longer attempted to be loaded from the Google Fonts service
  • The CSS no longer contains unnecessary entries
  • The font stack is now correctly applied, securing the fallback capabilities for users that don't have the specified custom font installed on their system.
  • Increased maximum File Size for uploading local fonts to 10Mb. (Do yourself and your users a favor though and try to stay away from fonts that large.)
  • Fixed a bug that would sporadically prevent users from uploading certain fonts exceeding random file size limitations or being in some name schemata. All files not exceeding 10Mb in .woff-format should now work without problems.
  • Included reason for failed upload into "No file found"-Error page for clarification reasons.
  • Includes the file of the latest update (Come on XenForo, I wouldn't have uploaded a new file if I didn't want you to change the old one o_O)

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