Javo Spot WordPress Theme
Multiple Purpose Directory Theme.
This is the best directory theme + Multiple Purpose (you can create various styles).
It’s based on Visual Composer Drag & Drop + Extra Shortcodes ( Ultimate Addons ) + Javo Shortcodes!
Addons with woocommerce and lava directory manager

Ajax Easy Searching
front-end forms with pictures / images
- My Items(shops) form (Multi photos, Google maps, Video, Custome fileds)
- User profile (Edit : members profiles)
Advanced googles
Upload pictures/images with WP Media Library.
- Muliti images uploading ready
xml bulk import is possible. you need to use the 3rd part plugins. (we don’t provide import service setting)
Listers Features.
- Add items (listings)
- Listing by Categories
- Listing by Locations
- Listing by Address
- Listing by Radius
- By Category.
- By Tag
- By Format
- Custom google map marks
- Custom Featured Images
- Importable sample data, (it installs only enough sample pages. not all.)
- Importable theme option setting
- Responsive
- Business Listings
- Advanced Google Maps with Ajax
- Unlimited page styles with VC
- Frontend forms : Item listing, User Dashboard
- Pricing Tables
- Multilingual ready (WPML) : will be ready soon
- Bootrap 3.2
- Unlimited Color Schemes
======= Included Free Plugins (TGM Plugin : Save $71) ========
- Visual composer (Save $34)
- Ultimate VC Addons (Save $18)
- Revolution Slider (Save $19)
- Woocommerce (Free)
- Lava directory (Free : auto installation)
- Lava Advanced Map manager
- Lava Rating / Review
- Lava Custom fileds for Items (shops) : create your own custom fileds (input, textarea, dowpdown)
- Lava Paypal payment for woocommerce : Plan to have more payment types (Membership, packages)
- Lava Save Favorite Listings
- Lava Get Directory
- Claim / Assign Listings .. etc (Lava plugins are very cheap or free)
- Woocommerce Vendor
- Woocommerce Bookings (Compatible with Lava WC booking manager)