System requirements
For InstantCMS to work correctly, your server must have the following software :- Apache web server with mod_rewrite module installed (or without it, if Apache >= 2.2.16);
- Or an Nginx web server with rules ported to it from .htaccess CMS files;
- PHP interpreter version 7.0 or higher. PHP 8.X is supported;
- Modules for PHP: gd, iconv, mbstring, simplexml, json, filter;
- DBMS MySQL 5+, MariaDB;
What's new and fixed in this release:
- Fixed an issue where the "Save" button was not shown in TC posts for moderators when drafts were disabled;
- Hidden TC categories are no longer shown in form selects, but are highlighted in the admin panel;
- The keys and values of the array in the system/config/mimetypes.php file have now been swapped , mimetype can be assigned to different extensions;
- The Typograph component can no longer be disabled in the general list of components;
- Fixed a bug when changing the field type from real to virtual and vice versa;
- The thousands separator in the Number field is now multilingual ;
- Fixed a bug with the "Select range with slider" number field option, when the numbers did not change;
- Fixed SQL injection in the admin action index_chart_data;
- Fixed Open Redirect;
- Added validation for mass editing of TC records in the admin panel, added missing hooks;
- Added hidden CMS configuration options : hiding copyright, system information. Please do not use this unless absolutely necessary
- In the TC field format settings for the enabled "Regular expression" option, the "Validation error text" option has been added, where you can describe your regular expression in words;
- An option to display the date of the last change has been added to the list of TC records in the admin panel;
- In the settings of the "Authorization and Registration" component, you can now disable the password recovery mechanism;
- Enhanced parameter validation in the Subscriptions component;
- Enhanced validation of parameters in the Rating component;
- Enhanced validation of search parameters in the Photos component;
- In the Geography component, the provider has been replaced by;
- Fixed a redirect error when saving fields in the "Groups" component;
- The afterParse method is now also applied to the fields of the Groups component;
- Fixed an error when specifying the privacy of TC records for the roles of groups of the "Groups" component;
- For the "Redirects" component, an option has been added for specifying the VK service access key ;
- For datagrids, the save_action option has been added - URL for saving during inline editing;
- For datagrids, the ability to mass edit fields (the “Edit mode” button) that are designated for inline editing has been added;
- Added multilingual support for the "Field Group" field;
- Added "Editor toolbar sticky" option for Tinymce editor;
- Tinymce editor updated to version 6.8.3;
- SCSSPHP has been updated to the latest version;
- Added support for callbacks after adding/updating a record to the formItem trait;
- When using the listgrid trait, the ability to specify a title and description has been added;
- Added fieldable model trait for creating fields in content type functionality tables. No longer need to use content model for this;
- The work on the independence of components is finished. Experienced users (if necessary) can delete files and DB tables for: activity feed, comments, groups, photos, rating, redirects, rss, search, site map, subscriptions, tags, wall. Thus, the engine can be made very minimal, using it as a framework;
- Cropper.js v1.6.1;
- VueJS v3.4.21;
- JqueryInputmask v5.0.9-beta.60;
- Ace Editor has been updated to version 1.32.9;
- In the original PHP code, all tab characters are replaced with spaces;
- Another batch of minor refactoring.