- ADDED new Underlining Links options – now you can change the line thickness, offset, style, and color for all text links globally.
Example 1, example 2, example 3- ADDED new Favorites Counter element that shows the current amount of favorites, it's available for the Header Builder only
- ADDED ability to check new updates on the Impreza > About admin page. Now there is no need to wait refresh period or delete transients to get available updates for the theme and bundled plugins.
- IMPROVED List Filterelement:
- added ability to show filter items horizontally (example)
- added "Titles as dropdowns" filter items layout with ability to change their field style
- now the Range Slider appearance depends on the selected Field Style
- IMPROVED The Events Calendar support:
- added the Event Date and Time element for Grid Layouts and Page Templates, now you can show customized date/time of all events
- improved visual compatibility of default templates with the theme styling
- IMPROVED Grid, Post List, Product List, Term List elements – now their "Columns" and "Gap between Items" changes are showing instantly in the Live preview
- IMPROVED Custom HTML element – now it supports dynamic values via curly brakets: {{the_title}}, {{custom_field}}, etc.
- IMPROVED Popup element - now its Days until next show option supports fractional values, for example 0.25 means six hours
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED incorrect appearance of the Content Carousel showing images, if it has the fixed height and its "Items to show" options is set to "Auto"
- FIXED bug when "blog" pre-built demo websites shows "No results found" after installing via Setup Wizard
- FIXED bug when the "Add To Favorites" Button ignores the Font Size value from Design > Text settings
- FIXED issue when theme <script> tags don't have the ID and some plugins (like WP Rocket) disable them
- FIXED bug when it's not possible to place the "Inner Row" element inside the Content Carousel
- FIXED incorrect work of Carousel with "Loop" and "Auto Rotation" options on small screens
- FIXED bug when duplicating the Accordion' section did not work correctly in Live Builder
- FIXED bug when image previews are not showing while editing the Grid Layout or Header
- FIXED bug when the Product Gallery settings show nothing in WPBakery builder
- FIXED bug when the "Edit selected" link is not showing for selected Grid Layout
- FIXED work of the Popup element inside Grid/List after applying Grid/List Filter
- FIXED work of List Filter element if the End Date is set without the Start Date
- FIXED case when the "Semplicita Pro" Adobe font was not applied correctly
- FIXED incorrect work of Grid Filter + Grid Order with the same custom field
- FIXED incorrect appearance of vertical header when zooming the page
- FIXED incorrect work of Mobile Menu if it has appearance animation
- FIXED case when the ".webp" images are not opened in a popup
- FIXED compatibility with Gravirty Forms Survey addon
- FIXED minor issues
- ADDED new Cooking Blog pre-built demo site
- ADDED ability to create different Field Styles and assign them to theme elements with input fields (Contact Form, List Filter, Search, etc.) Learn more
- now every field style also has the Text Transform and Checkbox Size options
- now every field style is generated using CSS variables, that improves customizations and compatibility with 3rd-party plugins
- now all fields of Gravity Forms and Contact Form 7 plugins use the Impreza field style by default
- ADDED ability to use background image or gradient inside the text. The relevant option is implemented for the Text and Text Block elements.
- IMPROVED Design settings of all elements:
- added the Background > Backdrop Filter option
- added the Sizes > Aspect Ratio option
- IMPROVED Content Carousel and Carouselelements:
- now the "Auto Rotation Interval" option applies to responsive states as well
- now the "Continual Rotation" works when the "Items = Auto"
- IMPROVED List Filter element – added option to enable search field to narrow choices in checkboxes or radio buttons
- IMPROVED Optimize JS and CSS size – now its interface shows the "Font Awesome used icons" checkbox to improve UX
- IMPROVED built-in SEO module – now the "og:locale:alternate" meta tags are added automatically when site has multiple languages via WPML or Polylag
- IMPROVED WPML support – now all new theme elements are available for translation
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when the Post List would not show posts on archive pages if the "Exclude from search results" option was used
- FIXED case with PHP fatal error occurred when updating the UpSolution Core plugin before updating the theme itself
- FIXED case when the "Custom Columns Layout" option in the Live Builder may create tons of columns
- FIXED incorrect work when the Display Logic uses "Has a value" condition with ACF "Repeater" fields
- FIXED work of the "Transition Duration" option in Carousel and Content Carousel elements
- FIXED bug when editing page title in the Live Builder changes all post titles in the preview
- FIXED notices appearance when using a coupon form on the Cart and Checkout pages
- FIXED incorrect work of Accordion and Tabs sections with the Live Builder
- FIXED visual compatibility with the latest version of the TablePress plugin
- FIXED work of the List Filter with ACF "Select" fields with multiple choices
- FIXED minor visual issues
- FIXED incorrect position of images in WordPress 6.7 if they have a height set
- FIXED appearance of coupon errors on Cart and Checkout pages
- FIXED work of the Carousel "Loop" option on sites with PHP 7.4
- FIXED work of the "Contact Form 7" element in Live Builder
- FIXED PHP errors on the Setup Wizard admin page
- FIXED custom logo size on the WP Login page
- ADDED the new Favorite Sections functionality that allows you to save sections of content and use them across all your sites with Impreza and Zephyr
- IMPROVED Carousel element (to match the new Content Carouselelement):
- added ability to rotate items with different widths (note the Columns option is moved to the Number of Items to Show)
- now it's possible change Auto Height and Loop options based on the screen width
- now it's possible disable Prev/Next arrows and Dots based on the screen width
- added ability to on/off Slide by mouse drag and Slide by touch drag
- added ability to pause the auto-rotating carousel on mouse hover
- now responsive settings can contain more than 3 breakpoints
- added Dots Style selection
- IMPROVED Content Carousel element (to match the old Carouselelement):
- added ability to apply the "Fade" transition effect for 1 column
- added the "Transition Timing Function" option
- IMPROVED List Filter element:
- added Range Slider and Range Input selection types. Example
- added Date Picker selection type with four options. Example
- added support for "Date Picker" and "Date Time Picker" ACF fields
- now the filter changes URL params in a browser address bar, this ability can be disabled in settings
- added ability to select which post types to display values from
- IMPROVED Post List and Product List elements – added the "Use URL params to show results" option to use URL params from the List Filter. Example
- IMPROVED Horizontal Wrapper and Vertical Wrapper elements – added the "Link" option to make the whole wrapper clickable
- IMPROVED Add to Favorites Button element – added ability to show the specified message after adding to favorites
- IMPROVED ACF support – now all options that allow selecting ACF fields also contain subfields from the "Group" field type
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when the Live Builder does not show background image and Vertical Indents changes until page reload
- FIXED bug when user roles could not be selected in Display Logic if the WPBakery plugin was deactivated
- FIXED bug when draft posts are displayed in lists after using the List Order and List Search elements
- FIXED bug when ACF Post Object and ACF Page Link fields are not working in the Link options
- FIXED bug when WPBakery image filters were not applied when selecting an image
- FIXED apperance of default WooCommerce Product gallery on mobiles
- FIXED work of the Browser Toolbar color picker with dynamic values
- FIXED several possible PHP errors
- FIXED some minor issues
- IMPROVED Theme Options – turned back the ability to edit Site Layout and Typography settings in the admin area. Live customization is only available when the "Live Builder" switch is enabled
- FIXED bug when custom post types couldn't be edited via the Live Builder after the updating to 8.18.2
- FIXED bug when an incorrect "Additional Google Fonts" value could break a website styling
- FIXED case when typography fonts aren't available for selection after the updating to 8.18
- FIXED PHP warnings after the updating to 8.18 in some cases
- FIXED case when the site header with a non-default "Initial Header Position" stopped being sticky
- FIXED work of the "Show past events" option in the Grid showing Events of The Events Calendar
- FIXED "addEventListener is not a function" compatibility issue with some plugins
- FIXED visual issues of default pages of The Events Calendar plugin
- FIXED work of {{custom_field}} shortcodes on taxonomy pages
- FIXED incorrect rendering of shortcodes in the Live Builder
- FIXED work of Design options of elements which are located inside Page Block, which is located inside Content Template
- FIXED migration of Custom Heading element – now it doesn't tranforms into Text element to keep work of custom CSS
- FIXED cases when "border" options may not moved from old Design options to new ones
- FIXED bug when sticky header doesn't unstick after scrolling to the top of a page
- FIXED extra space above Row with Revolution Slider, when header is transparent
- FIXED appearance of font weight checkboxes in Theme Options > Typography
- FIXED work of Design options in Custom Heading and Raw HTML elements
- FIXED incorrect appearance of Simple Menu, if it has child menu items
- FIXED bug when values with calc() don't work in new Design options
- FIXED incorrect appliment of old palette values in new color picker
- IMPROVED Button Styles:
- added ability to duplicate any Button Style while editing
- now, when some Button Style has been removed, all the elements that used it will show the "Default" button style instead of the weird rectangle
- IMPROVED Button element – now it won't be shown on the frontend, if it doesn't have a link. This improves cases with links from custom fields
- IMPROVED Page Blocks in Menu – now, when you add Page Block into Menu, its "Exclude Rows and Columns" option is enabled by default
- IMPROVED fallback icon font – added "Comments", "Tags", "Quote" icons, which are used in Grid Layout templates
- UPDATED Grid Layout templates – changed the default Post Image size to 600x600 in several Blog and Gallery templates to improve their default appearance
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED background color of dropdowns, now it has Content background color, this help to avoid appearance issues on dark backgrounds
- FIXED bug when text in the default Visual Editor was displayed with incorrect font weights of Google Fonts, so you couldn't use "Bold"
- FIXED Header Builder bug, when after applying some header template, the top and bottom areas are shown as disabled
- FIXED Ripple Effect – now it doesn't apply to the "Image" elements to avoid strange cases with transparent PNG
- FIXED compatibility issues with Slider Revolution 6+ versions
- FIXED link of Logo Image for all Header templates
- IMPROVED Ripple Effect – added to "Full Screen" Search, "Back to top" button, Post Prev/Next Navigation with "Sided" layout, Column with a link, Interactive Banner with link
- IMPROVED Column – added "Sticky Column Top Position" option to better control the top indent of a sticky column during page scroll
- added the moving line in "Trendy" style, both for horizontal and vertical tabs
- added "Timeline 2" style with little differences of "Timeline", check the example
- UPDATED Person element – changed "G+" social icon to simple "G"
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when "Full Screen" Search in header lost its background if the Ripple Effect is enabled
- FIXED issue when "Custom appearance in Grid" metabox didn't show in Gutenberg editor
- FIXED bug when Slider Revolution as Row background overlaps the Row content
- FIXED bug when CSS from the Design Options wasn't applied to Archives pages
- FIXED incorrect output of Grid: Child terms of current taxonomy in some cases
- FIXED case when frontend lost styles before "UpSolution Core" plugin update
- FIXED case when some links with a hash (like "#some") may not work
- FIXED issue when Post Custom Field didn't work for taxonomies
- FIXED bug when Page Blocks in Menu had horizontal scroll
- FIXED extra body white space in Internet Explorer 11
- FIXED "Cannot declare class" PHP issue