This virtual currency shop allows your users to purchase subscriptions to various user groups. These groups are defined per-product, and can be purchased for one day, one week, and one month at a time, as well as a "purchase for life" option. The actual products that are sold in the shop are completely up to you, and can include various extra permissions, username styles, access to forums and features, etc. - anything that is user group access-controlled can be sold for virtual money.

This virtual currency shop allows your users to purchase subscriptions to various user groups. These groups are defined per-product, and can be purchased for one day, one week, and one month at a time, as well as a "purchase for life" option. The actual products that are sold in the shop are completely up to you, and can include various extra permissions, username styles, access to forums and features, etc. - anything that is user group access-controlled can be sold for virtual money.
- AJAX purchase form with real-time totals calculation
- Users can purchase items for other users, themselves, or both
- Uses existing money system of your choice
- Users can turn auto-renewal on and off while they are subscribed to a certain product
- Admins can remove purchases from users with the option to issue a refund in the process
- Fully-phrased & free

- Upload the contents of the "upload" folder to your forum root
- Install the add-on in the Admin Control Panel using the included XML file
- Allow registered users (or any other group) to purchase items from the shop by editing the "Can purchase shop items" user group permission
- Allow your administrators to add products, view purchases, or both, by editing their Admin privileged and checking the desired options
- If you don't have a banking system installed already, you can either use Trophy Points or a different system (I personally recommend bdBank - also free)
- 1.0.0 - Initial release
- 1.0.1 - Fixed bug where malicious HTTP requests could purchase products after a user's balance reached zero