Thought I'd share this and post it here. If your into the whole halloween spirit and want to add a little halloween imagery into your avatar area.
Note: If your using xenforo 1.1.0 beta 4 the template edit is not necessary. Only make the template edit if you're using prior to 1.1.0 beta 4.
Screenshots: >>
Go into the message_user_info template
Add After:
Then paste the following into your Extra.css template and upload the attachment image into your /overlay folder.
Note: If your using xenforo 1.1.0 beta 4 the template edit is not necessary. Only make the template edit if you're using prior to 1.1.0 beta 4.
Screenshots: >>

Go into the message_user_info template
<div class="avatarHolder">
<span class="helper"></span>
.message .helper {
background: transparent url('@imagePath/xenforo/overlay/halloween.png') no-repeat;
display: block;
height: 47px;
left: 0px;
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
width: 52px;