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GoodForNothing Classifieds

xF1 Add-on GoodForNothing Classifieds 1.0.0 Beta 10

No permission to download
Bug Fixes include:
  • Google Maps not working for some.
  • Messy location pointer. The system now uses GeoIP to determine the user's location pointer. If it fails for some reason the system will use admin defined latitude and longitude.
  • Stripe payment button not showing up when activating the classified. The admin can now disable the overlay by enabling a simple template modification.
  • Fixed a scenario where payments isn't being accepted.
  • Users were unable to re-open closed ads.
  • "Activate classifieds by others" moderator permission was not working.
Enhancements include:
  • The bump permission now prioritizes the lowest value from the permission combination.
  • Added a simple location filter in the sidebar of classified listing pages.
  • "Not Yet Rated" is showed in the about advertiser block instead of 0% for better credibility.
You can view the full list of change log here:

Do note that as I haven't looked into the project for the past few months, I have dropped all the changes that were made after RC 6 and "re-fixing" from there so features that were promised/added after RC 6 are gone and I'll have to rework on that. Apologies for that but that's the best approach I could think of.

Also with the issue with the upload button on iOS devices. I wasn't able to look into it as I don't own an iOS device but will hopefully be able to look into it in a few days. :0
Apologies for the late release. This version fixes all the major bugs that has been reported by the customers.

rubgeaxLatest member