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Script FoodScan 1.8 Nulled

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Introducing FoodScan – a Contactless table ordering system and QR Menu Maker. Customers simply scan a QR code, browse the menu, place orders, and enjoy. A safe and seamless dining experience.

Frontend Features​

  1. Home Page
    1. Language switch
    2. Search item
    3. Menu-wise item search (Category)
    4. Veg/Non-veg wise item search
    5. Newsletter subscription
    6. Footer section
  2. Menu page
    1. Menu-wise item search (gird and list view)
  3. Variation page
    1. Show variation (single and multi-variation)
    2. Add to cart
  4. Cart page
    1. Set all product lists with variation and addon also
  5. Checkout page
    1. PayPal
    2. Stripe
    3. RazorPay
    4. FlutterWave
    5. PayStack
    6. Bkash
    7. Sslcommerz
    8. PayTm
    9. MercadoPago
    10. SenangPay
    11. Cashfree Payments
    12. Mollie
    13. Telr
    14. Phonepe
    15. Skrill
    16. payfast

Backend Features​

  1. Dashboard
  2. Items
    1. Item info
    2. Item variations
    3. Item extras
    4. Item addons
  3. POS
  4. Table orders
  5. Offer/Promos
  6. Users
    1. Admins
      1. Profile
    2. Customer
      1. Profile
      2. Security (change password)
      3. Location
      4. Orders
    3. Employee
      1. Profile
      2. Security (change password)
  7. Accounts
    1. Transactions
  8. Reports
    1. Sales
    2. Item (which item is a high-selling item)
    3. Credit Balance (user wallet balance)
  9. Settings
    1. Company
    2. Site
    3. Branches
    4. Mail
    5. OTP
    6. Notification
    7. Notification Alert
    8. Analytics
    9. Theme
    10. Currencies
    11. Item Categories
    12. Item Attributes
    13. Taxes
    14. Pages
    15. Role & Permissions
    16. Languages
    17. Sms Gateway
    18. Payment Gateway
    19. License
First release
Last update

More resources from Admin

Latest updates

  1. Version 1.8 (22 Nov 2024)

    - Added POS payment type - PDF download feature - POS discount minor bug fix
  2. Version 1.6 (21 Aug 2024)

    - Responsive scroll minor bug fix - Style minor bug fix

rubgeaxLatest member