- Homepage:
- Admin panel:
- Admin account: admin – 12345678 (username & password are autofilled)
- Vendor login page: Login
- Vendor account: – 12345678
- Homepage
- Projects
- Properties with map
- Single property
- Single property with video
- News/Blog
- Single blog post
- Careers
- Contact
- Agent page
- About us
- Vendor dashboard
- Dashboard
- Manage properties
- Manage projects
- Payment gateways
- Plugins
- Media Files
- Theme translations
- Roles & Permissions
- Backups
- Theme options
Test accounts for payment
- PayPal: – 12345678
- Credit Card for Stripe: 4242 4242 4242 4242 – Anything in the CVV and expiration date
- Credit Card for SSLCommerz & Razorpay: 4111111111111111, Exp: 12/25, CVV: 111
- Apache, nginx, or another compatible web server.
- PHP >= 8.2 >> Higher
- MySQL Database server
- PDO PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Exif PHP Extension
- Fileinfo Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- Module Re_write server
- PHP_CURL Module Enable