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Script FileBear 1.7 Nulled

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📀 Resource submitted by: Admin • 💬 Messages: 15976 • 🏆 Points: 113 • 👍 Likes: 56264 • 📀 Resources: 5960

FileBear is a file sharing software that fits most purposes. It allows you to share files with your friends, colleagues, use it as a personal file storage platform or even provide premium features to your customers

User Features

File Upload
Your users are able to upload all types of files and access them via their account

Thumbnail Generation
If your server has all necessary modules installed, you can enable preview image generation. This will allow you to display preview images for all type of images and PDFs

Organize your Files
FileBear allows you to organize your files within different folders. It is possible to move files and folders around via drag and drop.

Favorite Files
If you need to access specific files on a frequent basis you can mark them to be highlighted.

Premium Subscription
Users can buy a premium subscription if they wish to. They are able to select different payment terms and/or payment methods. If notifications are enabled they’ll get notified when there subscription is about to run out. A renew option is then displayed in the user dashboard.

Notification Mails
If configured users will receive notification emails for various types of account activities.

Admin Features

All important informations on one page.

User Management
View all your users, change their details and edit premium subscriptions. If needed you can manually delete a user too.

File Management
Display all files your users have uploaded. If needed you can delete files.

File Storage
By default three types of storage engines are supported. You can either enable Local Storage, FTP Storage or Storage in AWS3.

Payment Settings
If premium features are enabled, two payment engines are available by default: Paypal and Stripe. You can also define multiple payment terms with additional discounts.

Email notifications
You should always keep your users up to date! That’s why a rich set of email templates are already implemented. You can send notification emails to your users via a configured SMTP server. If you want to, you can customize each notification template.
26.2 MB
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