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xF1 Add-on EUCookie 1.4

No permission to download
This addon is a complete implementation of the new Google guidelines to inform the use of cookies on your website.
It does not have to be used only for this purpose!

Google gives the webmasters to 30 September 2015 period to implement these and to implement on its website.
Quelle EU user consent policy – Company – Google
Google Cookie Choices

When using Google products that incorporate this policy, certain disclosures must be given to and consents obtained from end users in the European Union where EU data protection law requires such disclosures and consents.

For end users in the European Union:
- You must use commercially reasonable efforts to disclose clearly, and obtain consent to, any data collection, sharing and usage that takes place on any site, app, email publication or other property as a consequence of your use of Google products; and

- You must use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that an end user is provided with clear and comprehensive information about, and consents to, the storing and accessing of cookies or other information on the end user’s device where such activity occurs in connection with a product to which this policy applies.

This Directive stipulates that you are required to obtain the consent of the end user if you are using products such as Google AdSense, DoubleClick for Publishers and DoubleClick Ad Exchange.

So if in the future still want to use Google AdSense or other and do not want to violate the Google guidelines, this policy needs to implement.

This addon uses the same procedure as Google itself on its sides and should therefore the optimal solution.

A notification with the cookie information may be displayed at the top or as a floating box on the website or at the bottom. If the OK button is clicked, a cookie is set and the message disappears.


- The cookie lifetime can be set free.
- This add-on goes a step further and prevents XenForo it to set cookies.
This can be disabled.
- The appearance can be customized through the style settings.

Important notes:
Recommended in config.php to define a cookie prefix.
$config['cookie']['prefix'] = 'xh_';

Or, unless already used, to change. This has the effect that all users get new cookies so this add-on has even more sense.

This add-on does not affect cookies by JS scripts such as Google and and Co and add-ons or third-party of xenForo Add-ons.

This cookies are beyond the control of this add-on.
On this point, everybody himself must find a solution to prevent this. Provided that to him this is important.

For Piwik there is a guide:
In Piwik code You Looking For


and add above which this code

if($.getCookie('eucookie') != 1)

Piwik can't use cookies, unless the EUCookie is set.

The addon is with all its files as supplied "as is" without warranty of any kind. For damages resulting from the use of this addon such as Loss of data, loss of profits or other losses, no accountability. Use is at your own risk!
Copyrights may not be removed. The addon may not be published or parts thereof.​
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  1. 1.4

    [fixed] Login bug if use the option "Block Cookie"
  2. Version 1.3

    Many improvements and optimizations! [add] a intermediate page before the user can register...

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