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WP Enfold 5.2.1 Nulled

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fixed: typo in enqueue_style slideshow.css in config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\slideshow_fullsize\slideshow_fullsize.php
- added: GDPR / DSGVO: Cookie Settings allow forced OPT-IN
- extended theme option settings in privacy tab
- cookie consent message bar can now be hidden but modal popup and all function can be used
- user can opt out / user must opt in
- new button action "Do not accept and hide notification"
- Alert message text if user clicks "Do not accept and hide notification" button
- Show modal popup on pageload immediately when needed
- Show an icon to reopen closed message bar
- Add action buttons "Accept", "Discard" and "Link" to modal popup (hides default close lightbox button)
- Additional custom cookies (e.g. set by plugins) can be added to be monitored for removing
- Default modal privacy popup extendend to reflect new situation
- Switching to "User must opt in" resets all settings to only allow essential cookies and user has to accept or refuse this again and can opt in for other services
- If user refuses Google reCaptcha in contact forms a filterable message is shown instead of submit button
- A custom lightbox can be used (js wrapper function needed - avia_cookie_consent_modal_callback)

- added shortcodes for privacy:
- av_privacy_allow_cookies (toggle)
- av_privacy_accept_essential_cookies (toggle)
- av_privacy_google_recaptcha (toggle)
- av_privacy_custom_cookie (toggle)
- av_privacy_accept_button
- av_privacy_do_not_accept_button
- av_privacy_modal_popup_button
- av_privacy_cookie_info

- added filters for privacy:
- 'avf_privacy_cookie_infos' - filter to change info text for cookies
- 'avf_admin_keep_cookies' - filter the cookies that are kept for admins
- 'avf_contact_form_recaptcha_disabled_msg' - filter to change message text that a contact form cannot be submitted because sevice disabled
- 'avf_privacy_additional_frontend_data' - filter frontend messages
- 'avf_privacy_custom_cookies_array' - filter theme options custom cookie array

- added: backwards comp. for revslider < 6.0 (removed when adding fixes for > 6.0
- added: theme option "ID attribute input field" (Layout Builder tab)
- added: theme option "Customize heading tags" (Layout Builder tab)
- added: Developer tab to modal popup of alb elements
- added: id attribute to most alb elements - value is sanitized
- added: Custom CSS input value is now sanitized
- added: WhatsApp share button and social icon
- added: HTML title and alt attribute to transparent logo
- added: HTML title attribute to logo
- added: change default heading tags, and add a custom heading class (value is sanitized) to:
- Contact Form
- Content Slider
- Events Countdown
- Icon Box
- Icon Grid
- Icon List
- Partner/Logo Element
- Magazine
- Easy Slider
- Accordion Slider
- Featured Image Slider
- added: User editable aria-label attribute to:
- Color Section
- Tab Section
- Grid Row
- Contact Form
- added: filters:
- 'avf_the_content' - filter for content replacement by 3rd party plugins (toolset)
- 'avf_disable_recaptchaV3_for_post' - filter to suppress loading of API for special posts/pages
- 'avf_google_recaptcha_badge_content' - filter to change default Google display text instead of badge icon
- 'avf_load_google_recaptcha_api_prohibited' - filter allows to suppress loading of script (on desired pages)
- 'avf_recaptcha_show_extended_error_messages' - filter to allow other logged in users roles to see error messages (default is admin)
- 'avf_recaptcha_transient_expiration' - filter to change transient expiration time (default 30 min.)
- 'avf_form_autoresponder_email_from_prefix' - filter to change from prefix text - default get_bloginfo('name');
- 'avf_copyright_info' - filter to change theme options copyright text in footer
- 'avf_colorpicker_colors' - filter to change default color picker palette colors
- 'avf_logo_title' - filter to change saved image title when used as logo
- 'avf_hide_transparency_logo_meta' - filter to hide title and alt attribute
- 'avf_alb_get_developer_settings' - filter theme options
- 'avf_alb_element_heading_tags' - filter possible tags for element
- 'avf_alb_exec_sc_only' - filter to force execution of ALB shortcode

- added: filter for plugins to handle HTML video output
- added: Google Services backend: Feedback if API cannot be loaded (e.g. internet connection problems)
- added: option to allow to filter upcoming events by events category
- added: option to add title attribute to buttons
- added: Enter open/close accordion tabs when focus on title for ADA support
- added: aria-label and role="search" to ajax search icon and popup
- added: info message that audio player does no longer stop on FF if js compression enabled since WP 5.2
- added: information about sticky fullwidth submenu and burger menu
- added: option to change display name of social link target on social share buttons and aria label
- added: "From" field to ALB contact form options to specify a custom from address
- added: "Reply To" to mails sent to contact form reciepients (Option Your email address)
- added: New instagram icon to icon font
- added: filter avf_customize_heading_settings in helper-social-media.php
- added: filter avf_process_shortcode_in_backend
- added: compatibility for relevanssi search in core (ALB elements, ajax search)
- added: YOAST - evaluate shortcodes on saving post and ajax callback wpseo_filter_shortcodes
- added: PHP version info to Theme Updates info box
- added: Option to disable Google Maps in frontend (replaces filter avf_load_google_map_api_prohibited)
- added: action ava_deactivate_enfold_plugin_addons
- added: filter avf_exclude_taxonomies_magazine
- added: ALB magazine element options to display author, category, tags

- improved: filter avf_logo
- improved: Compatibility with Polylang and Cookie Consent Message translations
- improved: added option to disable ssl in file merging check when creating compressed file
- improved: Contact form hidden labels now only hidden with CSS for screen readers and accessibility tree
- improved: allow to zoom screen on mobile devices
- improved: replace deprecated jQuery methods bind, unbind, live with on, off
- improved: Switch Instagram links to HTTPS
- improved: ADA Compliance for Scroll to top button
- improved: Compatibility with PHP 7.3 to avoid deprecated notices
- improved: Screen Options code refactored for easier maintainence
- improved: animated numbers show formatted in backend preview (modal popup)
- improved: config files for not used plugins are no longer loaded
- improved: Google reCAPTCHA implementation
- added key verification in backend for version 2 and version 3
- added several backend options( e.g. to hide google badge and show message text only, ..... )
- added in case V3 verification fails in frontend V2 checkbox is shown to verify human
- added options in ALB and shortcode contact form to select type of human verification
- added a single to use token to contact form to check submit when V2 or V3 is used
- improved: Check if verified keys have been changed without verifying:
- Google Maps
- Mailchimp
- Envato token (theme update tab)

- fixed: AudioPlayer does not stop looping playlist since WP 5.2
- fixed: notice undefined property in helper-social-media.php
- fixed: issue with Block editor popups not being visible
- fixed: issue rendering footer shortcodes on bbPress pages
- fixed: WP 5.2 Uncaught error: Class ‘ShortcodeHelper’ not found in template-builder.class.php
- fixed: problem with Envato API error message
- fixed: issue with Image effect in Masonry element
- fixed: issue with Tab Section element on Safari
- fixed: jQuery migrate notices on theme options page
- fixed: upcoming events - next event not queried correctly
- fixed: bug with custom styling colors in "Accordion" element
- fixed: bug on template-archives page tabs not displayed when "Only needed elements" selected
- fixed: Revolution Slider 6.x deprecated function name getArrSlidersShort ( new: get_sliders_short ) and changed database structure
- fixed: German translation bug
- fixed: IE11 not supporting array.includes() method
- fixed: Gutenberg - H1 and H2 elements displayed in all capitals on backend
- fixed: contact form subject and special characters in site name returned special HTML character
- fixed: numeric captcha input cursor is above equation

- updated: Italian translation
- updated: language file de_DE_formal

- removed: Google Plus options due to shut down
- removed: theme support avia_template_builder_custom_css use theme option or filter avf_alb_get_extended_settings instead
- removed: theme support avia_template_builder_custom_tab_toogle_id (theme option "ID attribute input field" used instead)
- removed: filter avf_load_google_map_api_prohibited
- added: new theme demo: elegant portfolio
- added: performance tab in theme options that allows you to improve your website performance by using file compression/removal
- added: button row element that allows to display multiple buttons beside each other
- added: new "typewriter" animation for rotating header element
- added: you can now set links for columns and cells
- added: you can now set a page as footer. This allows completely different footer designs
- added: option to close the notification template builder element and set a cookie to not display it again
- added: option to use background gradients for cells, columns and sections
- added: option to display a cookie use notification
- added: option to display button label as tooltip (that way you can use icon only buttons with hover effect)
- added: option to set a custom 404 page layout
- added: copyright option for image element
- added: plugin check for image optimization and caching plugins
- added: plugin recommendation for image optimization and caching plugins
- added: advanced styling option to style the active main menu item
- added: new google fonts
- added: margin spacing options for header element and header rotation element
- added: special heading font size now allows you to select a font size that adapts to your browser window size
- added: heading rotator font size now allows you to select a font size that adapts to your browser window size
- improved: several CSS and JS files will now only load if they are required, based on the theme option settings
- improved: demo import script
- improved: cleaned up default 404 page
- improved: display of the log/partner element. images will now fill the whole space available to them
- fixed: buttons in main menu now always got the same height
- fixed: usage of the old jQuery Migrate Library no longer necessary due to JS improvements
- fixed: backwards comp. with PHP < 5.5 in header.php
- fixed: slideshow fallback link handling for easy slider
- fixed: an issue with the size of self hosted videos
- fixed: loading of instagram images works properly again
- fixed: backwards compatibility issues wit RTL styling
- fixed: ALB color section: Small Arrow in Bottom Border Styling shows up twice
- fixed: ALB Product Purchase Button and WooCommerce > 3.0 lead to endless loop
- fixed: Small issue in not creating attributes in breadcrumb for first element
- fixed: an issue with event calender tickets
- fixed: an display issue with the shop main page and the breadcrumb navigation
- fixed: an issue with image overlay display
- fixed: WooCommerce Checkout will no longer show the inline Terms of Service Page if a pagebuilder page was selected as TOS page (this previously broke the Checkout page layout)
- updated: layerslider plugin
- removed: deprecated "avia combo" widget
- added: new theme demo: elegant portfolio
- added: performance tab in theme options that allows you to improve your website performance by using file compression/removal
- added: button row element that allows to display multiple buttons beside each other
- added: new "typewriter" animation for rotating header element
- added: you can now set links for columns and cells
- added: you can now set a page as footer. This allows completely different footer designs
- added: option to close the notification template builder element and set a cookie to not display it again
- added: option to use background gradients for cells, columns and sections
- added: option to display a cookie use notification
- added: option to display button label as tooltip (that way you can use icon only buttons with hover effect)
- added: option to set a custom 404 page layout
- added: copyright option for image element
- added: plugin check for image optimization and caching plugins
- added: plugin recommendation for image optimization and caching plugins
- added: advanced styling option to style the active main menu item
- added: new google fonts
- added: margin spacing options for header element and header rotation element
- added: special heading font size now allows you to select a font size that adapts to your browser window size
- added: heading rotator font size now allows you to select a font size that adapts to your browser window size
- improved: several CSS and JS files will now only load if they are required, based on the theme option settings
- improved: demo import script
- improved: cleaned up default 404 page
- improved: display of the log/partner element. images will now fill the whole space available to them
- fixed: buttons in main menu now always got the same height
- fixed: usage of the old jQuery Migrate Library no longer necessary due to JS improvements
- fixed: backwards comp. with PHP < 5.5 in header.php
- fixed: slideshow fallback link handling for easy slider
- fixed: an issue with the size of self hosted videos
- fixed: loading of instagram images works properly again
- fixed: backwards compatibility issues wit RTL styling
- fixed: ALB color section: Small Arrow in Bottom Border Styling shows up twice
- fixed: ALB Product Purchase Button and WooCommerce > 3.0 lead to endless loop
- fixed: Small issue in not creating attributes in breadcrumb for first element
- fixed: an issue with event calender tickets
- fixed: an display issue with the shop main page and the breadcrumb navigation
- fixed: an issue with image overlay display
- fixed: WooCommerce Checkout will no longer show the inline Terms of Service Page if a pagebuilder page was selected as TOS page (this previously broke the Checkout page layout)
- updated: layerslider plugin
- removed: deprecated "avia combo" widget

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