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[Endless Horizon] Social Share

xF1 Add-on [Endless Horizon] Social Share 2.2.3

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  • Skipping 2.2.2. I updated my development files to 2.2.2 a long time ago, and I feel like I've done a couple of changes here and there, but I couldn't remember what they were. Oh well..
  • Fixed Delicious (domain name change).
  • Added Blogger, LiveJournal, WordPress, Yahoo, Skype,, Digg, GetPocket and Xing.
    Thanks to @Nirjonadda (ref1, ref2).
  • Added a new view option (in Quick Reply):

  • Added a new styling option to toggle display in mobile devices:

Preview with all sites enabled:
  • Better compatibility with [Nobita] Minify HTML add-on.
  • Added a new option called "Enable Facebook SDK" (disabled by default).
  • Fixed coloring issue with share count.
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ALERT: Almost all variable names in eh_socialshare_js template were renamed. If you had customized them before, don't forget to make a backup (this also include the main.js file).

Change log for 2.1.7 update:
  • Added an option called "Use floating share button" which will allow you to display a floating share button. When this option is enabled, all the other views will be forcefully disabled except "View on threads > Post's Permalink". You can customize eh_socialshare_floating and eh_socialshare.css templates to customize the display.
  • Updated various option descriptions.

Change log for 2.2.0 update:
  • Added Style Properties support with various options that you can customize.
  • Improved default styling of "floating share button" as well as added animation effect when hovering the button.
  • Updated shipped cacert.pem file.
  • Various other tweaks and improvements.
Removed share_page.css template dependencies. You'll no longer have to edit that template to prevent the Share This Page button from disappearing in mobile screen.
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Small update. This update will make the only responsive styling in eh_socialshare.css template to only be applied if the style uses responsive design.
If you're NOT using responsive design, this update is for you. Otherwise, it's not mandatory to update (but you may still update if you want).
  • Updated popup size for Pinterest share.
  • Updated Reddit share to properly use link share mode instead of text share.
  • Improved compatibility with Defer JS add-on. I think.
Improved compatibility with [bd] Cache add-on. Previously, on some installations that add-on wouldn't be able to defer this add-on's JS settings (the one from eh_socialshare_js template).
  • Optimized V1 of the Facebook API by removing unnecessary queries.
  • Updated V2 of the Facebook API (the one that requires you to have entered your Facebook App ID and Secret into your Facebook Integration option in Admin CP). Thanks to @TMC for the heads up!
  • Fixed an issue with "View on threads list" option. Previously, enabling "Bottom" sub-option wouldn't make the add-on show the social share widget since the logical expression was to check for "Top" sub-option instead.
  • Popups will now be centered to the browser's screen instead of appearing somewhere around the top-left of the desktop (or somewhere else, depending on the browser).
  • Improved overlay generation in the JavaScript file. This may slightly improve the front-end performance.
  • Renamed various CSS classes and changed indenting of "eh_socialshare.css" template from spaces into tabs.
  • Default value for "Font Awesome CSS path" will now explicitly use HTTPS protocol.
  • Added a new sub-option for "View on threads" called "Post's Permalink". Enabling it will add a "Share This Post" button into post's permalink (instead of "Share This Page"). By clicking the button, the overlay share buttons will automatically use the post's permalink instead of the thread's URL for sharing. Share counts will also be hidden since they represents the whole thread instead of individual post. This sub-option is enabled by default.
  • Added a new option called "Use compressed JavaScript file". By enabling this option, the add-on will automatically use the compressed version of the JavaScript file. This option is enabled by default (on a side note, the add-on's default behavior before this option was implemented was to use the compressed version as well).
  • "Enable Font Awesome" option will now add Font Awesome to all pages served by your XenForo installation instead of only pages which has the social share widget.
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If you are updating, please read the entire change logs!

Change logs:
  • Rewrote core mechanism (better logic and should have better overall performance as well).
  • Timeout feature will now affect both cURL and file_get_contents. The option ID has also changed (500 ms by default). Thanks to @katsulynx for the heads up.
  • Added option "Enable JavaScript debug messages" to control whether to display JavaScript debug messages to visitor's browser console or not (disabled by default).
  • Renamed "Keep Trying When Fail" option to "Try again if the previous attempt was failed". The option ID has also changed (enabled by default).
  • Added option "Fallback to zero" to tell the add-on to fallback to zero instead of not displaying count whenever it can't fetch share count from a certain social site (disabled by default).
  • Renamed "Enabled cURL Debug" option to "Enable count fetching debug messages". This new option will log a few more messages compared to the old one. The option ID has also changed (disabled by default).
  • Renamed "cURL Option: Verify Host & Peer" option to "cURL Option: Secure connection (verify host)". The option ID has also changed (enabled by default).
  • Renamed "cURL Option: Use the add-on's Certificate Bundle" option to "cURL Option: Use the add-on's certificate bundle" (I know, I only changed the caps). The option ID has also changed (enabled by default).
  • Updated the add-on's certificate bundle (generated on Wed Apr 20 03:12:05 2016).
  • Renamed "Cache ID Suffix" option to "Cache ID prefix". As the name suggest, instead of adding custom suffix, you now have full control of the prefix (previously the add-on would use a fixed prefix). The option ID has also changed ("ehss_" by default).
  • Added new option "View on threads list". This option has 2 sub-options, Top and Bottom (both disabled by default). This option will allow you to show the share widget on top of or under threads list.
  • The add-on will no longer append the add-on's version to the JavaScript file.
  • Renamed "Font Awesome CSS Path" option to "Font Awesome CSS path" (Yes, I know, another caps change). Default value has also changed to version 4.6.3.
  • Renamed some other options and rewrote some descriptions. No change to the option ID.
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Reactions: Alex Teles

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