We have added the following designs:
We have updated the following features:
- Added: New Home - Lunch Set
- New Section: "Multilayer image"
- New Section: "Customer testimonial"
- New Function: "Variant Metaobject".
We have improved & fixed the following features:
- Updated: The Delivery Time block now supports multiple languages, based on the customer's selected language
Improved: JS, CSS, Liquid.
- Fixed: The input data of the recipient form for gift card products is not saved when Add to cart (demo).
- Fixed: some other minor issues.
We have added the following designs:
We have added & updated the following features:
- Added: New Home - Suitcase
- Added: New Section - Newsletter With Banners
Plan requirement of Volume pricing
- Updated: Adjust the setting names for better suitability.
- Updated: Rename the following sections:
- Brand Slider 02 → Brands showcase
- Brands Tab -> Multitab image
- Collapsible Row → Collapsible content
- Custom Block: Spotlight → Spotlight block
- Custom Image Banner 02 → Banner motion
- Featured Articles Carousel → Blog posts slider
- Featured Blog → Blog posts
- Featured Category → Featured categories
- Instagram Side Grid → Instagram visual grid
- Large Lookbook Banner → Highlights lookbook
- Lookbook With Collection → Visual lookbook
- Product Block 02 -> Product block duo
- Product Tab → Product tabs
- Added: Volume pricing on product page, sidecart and cart page.
The B2B feature is available only to stores on the Shopify Plus plan. For information about Shopify Plus plan pricing, contact us.
We have improved & fixed the following features:
- Updated: When there are more than 99 items in the cart, the cart item on header will display as 99+.
- Updated: Allows entering a video ID instead of an iframe for the Tiktok Video section.
- Added: The Add To Cart button to product card on Complementary Products block.
- Updated: The description block in the Product Information section can optionally display a short description or a full description .
- Improved: JS, CSS, Liquid.
- Fixed: The video is hidden on mobile if the Cover Image is left blank for the Video section.
- Fixed: Quick Add does not work properly when there are products with duplicate IDs.
- Fixed: Quick Order List overlapped by the Sticky Add To Cart and encounter a JS error when deleting the quantity number on each item row.
- Fixed: The Full Width Product Layout does not scroll to the correct variant image when clicking on the variant.
- Fixed: When there are two Rich Text sections on one page, the Read More feature does not work correctly.
- Fixed: When the cart total price is a decimal, the Free Shipping Calculator message does not account for the decimal portion.
- Fixed: some other minor issues.
We have added the following designs and features:
We have updated the following features:
- New Home: Hair Wigs
- New Section: Quick Order List - Read more about how to set up.
- New Section: Brands Slider 02 - Read more about how to set up.
- New Function: Quick Add Bulk - Read more about how to set up.
We have improved & fixed the following features:
- Added: 'Pagination' for the Collections List page.
- Added: 'Custom Label' product badge by metafield to display labels with different text for each product.
- Added: Setting allows the size chart to use a custom page.
- Added: Setting allows the color swatch to display with color name and count in the filter.
- Updated: The 'Variation Image Group' function applies to all product layouts.
- Updated: Logic for the 'Delivery Time' block on product page - If the 'Delivery Cut Off' setting is set to less than the current time, delivery time will be added by one day.
- Updated: The 'Product Combo' function can add identical products to the product combo list.
- Updated: Show wishlist counts for all headers.
- Improved: JS, CSS, Liquid.
- [Sidebar] Filter: When a word is reused many times in different tags, that tag will not be displayed in the [Sidebar] Filter block but will be displayed in the More filter block.
- Sticky Add To Cart: The compare-at price does not change when changing variants.
- Quick Shop: When using the Quick Shop 2 option, prices will lose their currency code when changing variants.
- Video on Product Card: Video don't work when hovering over the product card after filtering on the collection page or searching for products in quick search.
- Search Popup: When changing the currency, products in search result still display the default currency.
- Sale Badge: When disabling the Sale badge in theme settings, it still shows on the product page as 'Null %'.
- Add to cart on Quick View: Don't show popup cart after clicking Add To Cart when disable 'Show Quick Cart?' setting and 'After Add To Cart' setting using 'Show Quick Cart' or 'Show Add To Cart Popup (Minimal)' option.
- Fixed: some other minor issues.
We have added the following designs and features:
We have updated/fixed the following features:
- New Home: POD Store
- New Functions: Combined Products Listing, Positive Vibes Bundle on the Product Card, Positive Vibes Bundle on the Product Detail Page.
- New Block: Delivery Time on the Product Detail Page.
- Added Product Tags to the Product Detail Page.
- Added settings for Sticky Checkout Button on Mobile.
- Added settings dropdowns for 'Shipping Estimate' and 'Coupon Code'.
- Added settings for Sticky Add To Cart Always On Mobile.
- Added settings for Sidebar 'Swipe right (on mobile)'.
- Added Customer Avatar.
- Updated the 'Variant Image Grouped' feature.
- Updated the H1 tags for SEO compliance.
- Updated 'Quick Shop 1', 'Quick View', and 'Edit Cart' styles for Mobile
- Updated Filter Price - Multiple Currencies.
- Updated color settings in the 'Featured Product' section.
- Improved JavaScript, CSS, and Liquid.
- Fixed issues with Predictive Search, Filter Price, Fancybox - Main Product Image, Product Block - Scrolling, Section Slideshow, Sale Badge, and other minor issues.
- Fixed JavaScript, CSS, and Liquid.
We have added the following features:
We have fixed the following issues:
- New Home - Swimwear 2
- Grid View layout for Wishlist page.
- Store Locator Page
- Sticky Promotion
- Top Bar Promotion
- Hot Stock Function for products without variants / options.
- Scroll Layout for Related Product and Recently Viewed sections.
- Option to toggle "Shipping is calculated at checkout" text on quick cart and page cart.
- Color gradient settings for the GDPR popup.
- Saved price next to the product price on product page.
- Back to top button not showing when sticky recently viewed is turned off.
- Product tabs shows no content when tab vertical layout is selected for both Desktop and Mobile.
- Quick shop not working for products with color and without size options.
- The variant image getting blurry even the proper resolution is selected.
- The background color of the collection description changing to grey when position absolute is active.
- The read more button appearing even when collection has no description.
- The padding Container Full Width not working on the product page.