- Compatible XF Versions
- 2.0
- 2.1
Front end (forums and media gallery) is fully translated. I could have missed a few small things but nothing major, triple checked all (mod) functions.
Admin cp is not fully translated because i use it in English. There are also some extra add-on translations included.
If you don't want the media gallery translations i would suggest this one:
Main difference is that i use "Topic(s)" for the "Thread(s)" translation instead of "Onderwerp(en)".
I also changed the structure of the thread reports (if you don't use the report centre) so it is easier to read.
Admin cp is not fully translated because i use it in English. There are also some extra add-on translations included.
If you don't want the media gallery translations i would suggest this one:

Dutch translation for XenForo 2.2 + add-ons
Donations are welcome by just liking this translation or leaving a nice review, that's all! :love: This is the latest and complete Dutch translation of XenForo 2.2 14.000+ phrases translated It also includes the translation of various popular...

I also changed the structure of the thread reports (if you don't use the report centre) so it is easier to read.