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Shopify DOKANS 3.9.1 Nulled

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Dokans is a multitenancy-based eCommerce platform similar to Shopify business modules customers can create e-commerce within 5 minutes. This script support subdomain and custom domain for e-commerce. Anyone can build any kind of e-commerce site using this script. Customers can sell physical products and digital products and change the UI theme easily. We integrated 4 e-commerce themes and added 8+ payment getaways. All payment Getaways support sandbox mode and live mode and fully securely. This script included 2 click site installer to install the script without any technical knowledge.

Demo Access:


Admin Login:

Admin Access: login - dokans

Email: [email protected] | password: rootadmin

Theme 1:

Frontend: saka cart

Seller Login:

Admin Access: login - dokans

Email: [email protected] | password: rootadmin

Theme 2:


Seller Login:

Admin Access: login - dokans

Email: [email protected] | password: rootadmin

Theme 3:


Seller Login:

Admin Access: login - dokans

Email: [email protected] | password: rootadmin

Theme 4:


Seller Login:

Admin Access: login - dokans

Email: [email protected] | password: rootadmin

Payment Gateways:

  1. Paypal
  2. Stripe
  3. Paystack
  4. Razorpay
  5. Instamojo
  6. Mollie
  7. Toyyibpay
  8. Mercadopago
  9. Cash On Delivery
Seller Features:

  1. Domain Management
  2. 7+ payment getaway (Paypal, Stripe, Paystack, Razorpay, Instamojo, Mollie, Toyyibpay, Mercadopago,Cash On Delivery)
  3. All Payment Getaways Sandbox mode and production mode supported.
  4. Seller can add own credentials for his/her customer can pay directly to the seller.
  5. Seller can sell physical and digital product.
  6. Seller can create express checkout URL
  7. Facebook pixel support
  8. Google tag manager
  9. Google Analytics page view
  10. Stock management
  11. WhatsApp API
  12. WhatsApp Order Notification
  13. Email Order Notification
  14. Multi-Level Customer (Seller to customer)
  15. Seller Can Directly be logged in to customer panel
  16. Seller Can Suspend The Customer
  17. Order Invoice
  18. Orders Report
  19. Seller Can Create Order From Sellerend
  20. Storage Limit Checker
  21. Awsome Dashboard
  22. Coupon
  23. Banner Ads
  24. Drag And Drop Menu Builder
  25. Ajax Based Data Load
  26. All Themes are highly optimized
  27. Fully Seo Friendly
  28. Seo Friendly Url
  29. Review Ratings
  30. Customer Report
  31. Order Report
  32. Transaction Report
  33. Seller can set own custom theme color
  34. Inventory / stock management
  35. Multi Attributes supported
  36. Attribute Based Pricing Calculation supported
  37. Custom Shipping Class
  38. Custom shipping zone based shipping price
  39. Multi language support
  40. And many more…....
Admin Features:

  1. SAAS Based Ecommerce Platform
  2. Admin Can create edit delete subscription plan
  3. Earning report
  4. Site Analytics
  5. Order Report
  6. Full Domain Control
  7. Customize Cron Jobs
  8. Automatically notify via email to the seller before expiring subscription plan (7 days default)
  9. Example theme boilerplate included for developers
  10. Theme Upload Option and delete option
  11. Multi language support
  12. Fully Seo Friendly
  13. Marketing tools (Facebook pixel/Google analytics)
  14. Queue Mail Enabled disable (transactional email)
  15. Role based multi admin
  16. Admin can check customer storage limit
  17. Admin can create order for seller
  18. Admin Can suspend the seller
  19. Admin can directly contact with seller from seller profile via email
  20. and many more…..
92.2 MB
First release
Last update

More resources from Admin

Latest updates

  1. v3.9.1

    Security Update Dependency Update

rubgeaxLatest member