Nulled Scripts Community

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WP Discy 5.7.4 Nulled

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=== New Features and improved ===
- Added a new option to allow the users to register with English letters only or not.
- Added a new option to add a ChatGPT prompt to make it respond better based on your words.
- Added a new option to add a ChatGPT role content to make it respond better based on your words.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
=== New Features and improved ===
- Move all the points to custom post type "points”.
- Added a new option to delete the old reports and points and choose which time or type you want to delete.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
=== New Features and improved ===
- Ready to the last WordPress version.
- Added a new option to activate Discoura style.
- Added a new option to activate to show some answers and add a new answer by jQuery.
- Added a new option to show the suggested questions while the user is adding his question.
- Added a new option to activate might like for the questions and answers.
- Added a new column for the users page at admin to show the points.
- Added a new column for the users page at admin to show the who invited him if there.
- Added a new option to send a custom notification for the users.
- Added a new option to choose the groups you want to send the notification for them.
- Added a new option to send a custom notification for specific users.
- Added a new option to add your custom notification to send it for the users.
- Added a new option to send a custom message for the users.
- Added a new option to choose the groups you want to send the message for them.
- Added a new option to send a custom message for specific users.
- Added a new option to add your custom message to send it for the users.
- Added a new option to send a custom mail for specific users.
- Added a new option to choose when you want to send the schedule mails from daily, weekly or monthly.
- Added a new option to activate the users to be sorted by points in day, week, month or year.
- Added a new option at the widget users for the sort points to choose if you want to sort them by time or not and choose the rang by day, week, month or year.
- Added a new option to put any content after the schedule mails like your site name.
- Added a new option to add imitation minimum characters and maximum for the question title in the ask question form.
- Added a new option to add imitation minimum characters and maximum for the question content in the ask question form.
- Added a new option to add points for the user for each social media link will added to his profile.
- Add a new option for the add post form to activate the terms and Privacy Policy or not.
- Added a new option for the terms at the add post form to choose the page or custom link and choose the page open in the same page or a new tab.
- Added a new option for the add post form to activate the Privacy Policy or not.
- Added a new option for the Privacy Policy at the add post form to choose the page or custom link and choose the page open in the same page or a new tab.
- Add a new option for the add comment/answer form to activate the terms and Privacy Policy or not.
- Added a new option for the terms at the add comment/answer form to choose the page or custom link and choose the page open in the same page or a new tab.
- Added a new option for the add comment/answer form to activate the Privacy Policy or not.
- Added a new option for the Privacy Policy at the add comment/answer form to choose the page or custom link and choose the page open in the same page or a new tab.
- Added a new tabs for homepage to can add the answers for you, answers might like, answers for you with time and answers might like with time.
- Added a new option to send a popup notification for the users.
- Added a new option to send a popup notification for one time only or for ever.
- Added a new option to choose the groups you want to send the popup notification for them.
- Added a new option to send a popup notification for specific users.
- Added a new option to add your custom text popup notification to send it for the users.
- Added a new option to add button for the popup notification with link, text and target.
- Added a new option for questions, posts and pages to set the popup notification for this page only.
- FIXED: bug fixes.

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