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Script DigMart 3.6.0 Nulled

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📀 Resource submitted by: Admin • 💬 Messages: 15976 • 🏆 Points: 113 • 👍 Likes: 56265 • 📀 Resources: 5960

Welcome To Digmart!

Have you ever keep wondering how out lovely Codester do works and how you can sell your digital product in exchanges for cash.

Here come DigMart a multivendor Digital Market Place where Digital product are sold and download immidiatly.

DigMart comes with multivendor feature which allow other users to sell on your website with a certain set discount will be charge on each sale which mean both the product author and the site owner earn. That is Fun Huh!

DigMart comes with amazing and easy to use File uploading system which does not require the page to load to upload your awesome product.

DigMart comes with a very secure payment and popular payment gateways Paypal and Stripe. Any other payment gateways can easily be implement base on buyer required.

DigMart Logs and send all activities email to the respective receivers e.g Item rating notifications, Transactions notification, Item comments notification.

DigMart comes with 8 different and customizable email template with owner can esilly customize as it taste.

This is the first installment of digmart much more feature are plan in near future to keep it more intresting this product will be continus updating frequently.

Happy Market I wish you Good Lucks in sales.

Admin panel:

user credentials is been there for you just click on the login button to feel the Control Panel.

How to test purchasing of item in demo

1. Use a testing paypal api account.

2. Use stripe as check out and use this test cards

4242424242424242VisaAny 3 digitsAny future date
4000056655665556Visa (debit)Any 3 digitsAny future date
5555555555554444MastercardAny 3 digitsAny future date
2223003122003222Mastercard (2-series)Any 3 digitsAny future date
5200828282828210Mastercard (debit)Any 3 digitsAny future date
5105105105105100Mastercard (prepaid)Any 3 digitsAny future date
378282246310005American ExpressAny 4 digitsAny future date
371449635398431American ExpressAny 4 digitsAny future date
6011111111111117DiscoverAny 3 digitsAny future date
40.2 MB
First release
Last update

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