[DCom] Live Content

xF2 Add-on [DCom] Live Content 2.1.0

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  • Added support for XenForo 2.1
  • Fixing an error when creating/editing a user in the Admin Panel
  • Fixed a bug with rendering of the "Typing..." block (the phrase was not translated when changing the language)
  • Fixed a rare bug where when adding a message, the avatar did not change to online status
  • Support [DCom] Auto Merge Double Post
  • Added the ability to configure a socket via a subdomain. It is necessary when connecting the main domain to services that are not friendly with the WebSocket protocol, for example, Ezoic.
  • Code refactoring
  • Fixed a bug with displaying the "Typing..." block.
  • Fixed a connection disconnection error when working in longpolling mode.
  • Added support for "[DCom] Auto Merge Double Post" plugin
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