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Nulled Team UnderGround | Nulled Team Forums
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Advanced User Tagging is designed to increase activity on your forum by allowing members to mention each other in posts when talking about them.
The User Tagging mod is designed to increase activity on your forum by allowing members to mention each other in posts when talking about them.
This is done in a very easy way, very similar to how Twitter mentions people. We use @ ; as the tags, so for instance you could say:
This new mod from @Dragonbyte Tech; is pretty cool.
The "@DragonByte Tech;" Will become a link to the DragonByte Tech users profile, it will also inform DragonByte Tech they had been mentioned, and link to the relevant thread/post via a new area in the profile section, as well as a new tab in the shoutbox.
Major Features
Twitter-style @ "Mentions": Typing @username produces a "Mention" that will alert the user to your post, as well as link to their profile.
Quote Alerts: Members you quote will be alerted, ensuring that discussions can continue smoothly even if they left the thread.
Profile Integration: Displays Mentions, Tags and Quotes in profile tabs for quick overview of a member's activities within the mod.