- Compatible XF Versions
- 1.5
- Additional Requirements
- Yes, but removable with payment

Now Powered By:

DarkTabbed is a smooth and minimal Xenforo theme. Fast and light-weight, it uses very little images for snappy load times. DarkTabbed uses a simple color palette to appeal to users looking for a dark theme, while being easy on the eyes to read. Fully responsive and scales well to all devices.

Create any color theme you’d like, all under one theme!
Using the flexibility of Xenforo’s Color Palette, it’s easy to create any new color theme, or even combinations of colors! Check out our demo forum for three simple color’s we’ve provided.
Want to provide your members with different colors to select for your Xenforo forum? Simply create a child-style using DarkTabbed, and change to new colors in just a few clicks!
- NulumiaBase System includes hundreds of style edits to Xenforo as a part of all our skins.
- Tested with over 100 mods! Our themes are compatible and tightly integrated with dozens of third party addons for Xenforo
See which mods are supported - Fully Responsive, plus Fixed Width or Fluid mode
- Amazing visuals, drawn from 12 years in creative design experience
- Google Fonts & FontAwesome
- Free Slideshow feature
- Regular or "Tabbed" widgets
- Transition effects and CSS input glows
- Dozens of features & settings
- Sticky sidebar
- Change sidebar left or right
- Soft shadowed elements
- Separate sticky and normal threads
- Easy to change colors
- Hover transition effects
- Add fullscreen backgrounds
- Floating or boxed content mode
- Footer builder system with nine block locations, including new parallax rows! Now compatible with Widget Framework!
- Side by side nodes
- Background slideshow
- Ticker system

Check out the Live Demo link to see Darktabbed in action! Our skin has now been released with Version 3, bringing a new and improved soft GUI appearance. For users looking for a flat, dark and easy to read theme, DarkTabbed is a perfect fit.
Adjust colors on the fly using Xenforo’s Color Palette. Darktabbed also comes loaded with great features such as full-screen fluid mode, responsive options, FontAwesome support and custom Google fonts. Now released with our latest NulumiaBase framework, check out why DarkTabbed is the perfect premium dark Xenforo style for your forum!

NulumiaBase is our in-house Xenforo Framework that adds countless new features, enhancements and user control to your Xenforo themes!
Making your Xenforo site stand out has never been easier.

Don’t have a slideshow plugin? No Problem.
NulumiaSlider is our new exclusive free slideshow feature based on the popular FlexSlider plugin! NulumiaSlider is included in all our premium themes and is a breeze to setup!
No need to install and manage plugins, our slider is unique in that it runs 100% on Xenforo Style Properties, making adding and managing slides a simple and fast process!

View the live demo!