D.C Style - Widgets

xF2 Add-on D.C Style - Widgets 1.1.5 Patch Level 2

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  • Fixed error when create a thread redirect
  • Fixed "thread_action_buttons() error" (Refer to the case of @Enes3078 here: D.C Style - Widgets)
  • Fix error after clearing all specified tags, the widget doesn't show any threads.
  • Fixed missing thumbnail on Slide wide/narrow template on mobile.
  • Fix error "Undefined array key threadTitleLimit".
  • Fix error rendering widget: Call to a member function repository() on null
  • Fix error [E_WARNING] Undefined array key "threadTitleLimit" in src/addons/DC/Widgets/Widget/RandomThreads.php at line 198
  • Add new order "Last message" for widget "New Threads".
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Code optimized.
  • Add compatibility with XenForo 2.2
  • Fix error sometimes list threads doesn't show up
  • Fix some CSS bugs
  • Improve performance
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