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Country flag

xF2 Add-on Country flag 2.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 2.1
  2. 2.2

Shows a country flag in the message user info block.

(Example of country flag)


(Example of Privacy page)


(Example of Options page)


(Example of User group permissions)


  • Privacy option allows members to not show their country flag.
  • All phrases start with countryflag_ for your convenience.
Setup step 1:

Create a /misc/flags/shiny/32/ directory in your web root.

Setup step 2:

Copy the files from the /flags/shiny/32/ located in the Country flag add-on directory to the /misc/flags/shiny/32/ directory you created in Setup step 1.

Setup step 3:

Update the Country flag Options page with the Image link.

Setup step 4:

Give User group permissions to view the country flag:

Registered = Yes
Unregistered / Unconfirmed = Yes

Setup step 5:

Run the Cron entry for the Country flag manually, this is only required upon initial setup. The Cron entry will run run once a day at 12:00AM UTC.

Database modifications:

This add-on will create two columns in your xf_user table:


Questions and Answers:

Q: When I hover the flag with my mouse, the filename is displayed in English, can I phrase this to show the filename in another language?
A: No.

Q: What does the 'Last activity days' in the options page do?
A: This value is used when the Cron entry runs.

Q: How is the country determined?
A: The API is used. They have a set limit of 1000 API calls per 24 hours, so it might take a few days to update all your members.

Q: When does the Cron entry run?
A: It runs once a day at 12:00AM UTC time.

Q: When the Cron entry runs, which members will have their country looked up?
A: Only new members which have an empty andy_country_flag_name field.

Q: Is there an option to make the add-on opt-in instead of opt-out?
A: No. You can use the Country flag select add-on if you want opt-in.

Q: Is there a way a member can change their country flag?
A: Yes. The following URL will allow your member to update their country flag:

Q: Is there a way I can update all the members country flags?
A: Yes. The following URL will delete all members country flags:

Q: Is there a way I can see all the members country flags?
A: Yes. The following URL will show all members country flags:

394.5 KB
First release
Last update

More resources from Admin

Latest updates

  1. Country flag v2.0 changes:

    Added URL option to allow members to change their country flag. See Questions and answers in...
  2. Country flag v1.8 changes:

    Now using for country lookup.
  3. Country flag v1.7 changes:

    Now compatible with XF 2.2.6 and newer.

Similar resources

Country flag select Admin
Allows members to select their country flag.
Country access check Admin
Blocks access to Contact us, Log in and Register pages from specified countries.
Country registration check Admin
Blocks registration to specified countries.
Country restricted page Admin
Allows page access only to countries specified in options page.

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