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Conversation Improvements by Xon

xF2 Add-on Conversation Improvements by Xon 2.5.1

No permission to download
  • Fix adding a recipient to a direct message would re-index the conversation twice with XF2.3
  • Fix check with XF2.2 for starting a conversation without recipients
  • Add "silently edit" feature for editing conversation messages, requires the "edit any message" permission
  • Fix edited conversation messages lacked the "Last edited:" marker after they had been edited
  • Require Search Improvements v2.10.0+
  • Improve how conversations are filtered out of search results when using XFES without ElasticSearch Essentials
  • Fix mysql-based search support not returning conversation search results when using the conversation search tab
  • Fix SQL error when the last member of a conversation leaves
  • Require XenForo 2.2+
  • Improve handling of leaving/joining conversation and the impact on search.
    This will require re-indexing conversation messages.
    • When a user joins a conversation, ensure they can search that conversation
    • If a user leaves a conversation, do not return it in search results.
  • Code style cleanup
  • Use strict equality checks
  • Force global namespace for functions which are known to be optimizable to bytecode in php
  • Remove unneeded SV/Utils bundle from redistributable, removing from hashes.json

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