Content Ratings for XF2.1+ Media Gallery

xF2 Add-on Content Ratings for XF2.1+ Media Gallery 2.1.0

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  • Fix incorrect album & comment reaction links. Thanks @meshedvr
  • Now XenForo 2.1 compatible, but requires dropping XenForo 2.0 compatibility.
  • Adjust alert templates so superfluous errors are not generated when viewing alerts/news feed when the add-on is disabled. Take #2
  • Adjust alert templates so superfluous errors are not generated when viewing alerts when the add-on is disabled.
  • Fix potential compatibility issues with 3rd party themes
  • Support Content Rating 1.1.0 'content actions' (report/moderate/soft-delete)
Updated for the 1.0.0 release of Content Ratings
  • Support "Display rating bar location" style property
  • Fix rating count display on XFMG list items
  • Add missing phrase
  • Support rating menu being in-line with public controls (ie existing Like button)
rocketcuteLatest member