Live Demo (frontend)
URL: Cleanto BookingLive Demo (admin)
URL: Cleanto Booking | LoginLogin Email:
Login Password: demo123
Cleanto Features
- Fully Responsive
- Paypal | Authorize.Net | Stripe | 2Checkout | Paystack | Payfast | Paytm | Payway | eWay | Razorpay | Mollie | Payment Methods | Bank Transfer
- Appearance Control
- Xero Integration
- Dynamic Price Calculation Methods
- Add-ons Services
- Recurrence Booking
- Quick Books Integration
- SEO meta tags
- Manageable default view(month/week/day) in calendar
- Manageable First Day(Sunday/Monday) in calendar
- Staff dashboard
- Dynamic loader
- Option to choose staff on form option
- Compatible with Strict Mode
- Manageable Frontend Fonts
- Manageable Form Fields
- Coupon discount
- Recurring discounts
- Tax/ Vat / GST
- Nice PDF Invoice
- Email Reminders
- SMS Reminders using Twilio / Plivo / Nexmo / Textlocal APIs
- Partial Amount Deposit
- Methods and Units design templates
- Multi-currency supported
- Multi-language supported
- One page Checkout
- Easy and smooth Admin panel
- Custom Css for front
- Registered and Guest User Checkout
- Auto Confirm Appointments
- Monthly and Weekly Schedule
- Add Breaks in schedule
- Off time for specific date & time range
- Off days for full day off
- Registered and Guest Customers listing with there details
- Payment details
- Export all bookings, Customer information and services information
- Embed code on your website for front page
- Sample data add/remove
- Manageable Cancellation Policy