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Check Add-On update

xF2 Add-on Check Add-On update 1.1.4

No permission to download
The previous version didn't check that the response was JSON and tried to decode it as such, which would raise an error in case the API request returned some funky data due to timeout or similar.
[add] Logging in to XF with Tfa Support
[add] Download/update bulk of Free Add-Ons hosted on XF

[fixed] Improvements in the communication with my server. If it should not be accessible, it was so far that the Add-On side was only limited operable. I have changed this completely.
[fixed] Improvements in descriptions and labels
[fixed] Many other improvements

I am very sorry for the, in the past week, massive connection problems. I hope that my changes in the add-on will make them a thing of the past.

I am very happy that so many participate and report unknown add-ons. You are great.

I would like to ask you, if you have problems with the add-on, no matter what kind. Write me and let's solve it together!
[fixed] Ignored add-ons are not ignored in the notices of new versions.
[fixed] There was a wrong host in the update system

[add] Option of direct download of an update (of course, only for free add-ons)
[add] Ignore add-ons
[add] Donate Button


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