XenForo 1.x Add-ons

XenForo 1.x Add-ons

Top resources

Automatically preview replies/edits after More Options without having to click Preview button.
Anonymize/Proxy all your external links posted in your forum, manage delays and more!
vbsoccer now available for XenForo as XFSoccer
Support for SVG attachments to be displayable as normal images.
Tool to quickly create an addon XenForo
Insert Attachment Admin
Automatically inserts image attachments into the message.
Tracks and display the most ever online visitors, members, guests and robots
Shows a results page with threads that have polls.
[XFA] Thread Template Admin
Define thread message templates for your forums !
Latest resource reviews on forum list
Add Google custom search bar at below top breadcrumb.
Removes the Follow and Your News Feed features from your forum.
Allows to see the desktop version when browsing using a mobile device.
Sends an email to the thread starter in specific forums.
crdbnssLatest member