XenForo 1.x Add-ons

XenForo 1.x Add-ons

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First Post Email AnimeHaxor
Sends an email to the admin and or moderators of a member making their first post.
Show Image Tags AnimeHaxor
Show image tags based on criteria set in the Options page.
Prevents usernames from matching usergroups (helps user group tagging)
Stop bots from incrementing the various view counter
Xen-TR Banlist AnimeHaxor
As its name, this add-on is listing banned users on a specific page
Remove Click To Call AnimeHaxor
This add-on disables automatic detection of possible phone numbers in a webpage in Safari on iOS.
XenLink Shorten AnimeHaxor
Shorten Long Link for XenForo
Allows you to distinguish posts by the thread starter in a thread
Additional Notable Groups AnimeHaxor
Allows you to show additional user group tabs on the notable members page.
Allows you to have a custom, from scratch HTML page, which you can use for your homepage.
New User Post Restrictions AnimeHaxor
Allows you to set post restrictions for users based on user group, post count or registration days.
Export and Upload your Database to Offsite location with Cron
Show / Hide Similar Threads at bottom of thread
Gametracker SSL Proxy AnimeHaxor
Keeps your ssl site secure when using Gametracker banners.
Style Permissions AnimeHaxor
Allows you to choose which usergroups/individual usergroups can view/access a style
Icewind More Permissions AnimeHaxor
Currently adds 10 new permissions and 2 new user search criterion.
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