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WP Cariera 1.8.4 Nulled

No permission to download
- * Envato API Integration:
- Automatic updates (API Token required)
- Envato API connection for testing via AJAX
- Check for new update via AJAX (if API Token & Purchase code are valid)
- Update check in Cariera Welcome & Settings page
- * Cariera Core Settings:
- Save via AJAX (without page reload)
- Pull settings via AJAX (reduce 100 additional request on load)
- Success & error popup messages
- Exandable to other plugins such as (Cariera Events)
- Webhook ajax error handling
- * Dashboard menu can be fully customized via WP Menus now
- WPJM S&F support for dynamic split view
- Listing search keyword autocomplete for all listing types (via elementor element)
- Each notification has classes based on the action now
- Font Icon Picker:
- WP Menus support
- AJAX handling (major performance improvements in WP Menus)
- WPJM Packages support in the "User Packages" page
- "View job statistics" notice when hovering job title in the dashboard
- Job grid 4 shows "no job type" if job type is empty

- Cariera Core Settings:
- General handling
- Major performance improvements
- Maps:
- Overall map js improvements
- Map performance due to updated dependencies
- Lazy load on some cases
- Errors handling when geolocate doesn't work
- Email handling has been refactored
- Listing search keyword autocomplete handling & performance
- Listing submitted design
- Cariera settings icons (doesn't load whole icon library anymore)
- Overall font icon picker handling
- Webhook:
- General handling
- Switch from cURL to wp_remote_post()
- Cariera Welcome Page:
- General UI
- Page performance
- Uses vue.js instead of jQuery now
- Overall AJAX security
- User packages page will work when WC Paid Listings or WPJM Packages is active
- Active packages in dashboard will show when WC Paid Listings or WPJM Packages is active

- Split view search cropped when admin bar is active
- Select2 fields not getting initialized on Elementor page edit

- Libraries: Leaflet 1.7.1 -> 1.9.4
- Libraries: leaflet-control-geocoder 2.1.0 -> 2.4.0
- Libraries: leaflet.gridlayer.googlemutant 0.13.5 -> 0.14.1
- Libraries: Isotope 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6
- Libraries: Rangeslider.js 2.3.2 -> 2.3.3

- Envato Market plugin as a required plugin
- Customizer option "cariera_job_ajax_search"
- jquery-inview library (handled via native js now)
- jquery.cookie library (handld via native js now)
- Listing search form redundant css (.listing-search-form is main target now)

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