
Script Businesso 3.4 Nulled

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- 9 payment gateways added for Admin
- Phonepe
- Midtrans
- iyzico
- Xendit
- toyyibpay
- PayTabs
- myFatoorah
- Yoco
- Perfect Money
-- Cookie Alert added for Tenant’s Website
-- Admin will be able to add & translate default language of Tenant’s Frontend Website
-- Google Adsense support for Admin’s Website
-- Google Adsense support for Tenant’s Website
-- Token based stripe checkout added
-- Add Tenant from Admin dashboard issue fixed
-- Tenant’s customer forget password problem fixed
-- <html lang="en"> added in all tenant template
-- Tenant delete issue fixed
-- Subscriber mail sending issue fixed
-- Fixed 'Why choose us' section issue
-- UTF-8 character support added in Emails
-- Tenant’s website title shown in the mails from Tenant to Tenant’s customer instead of Admin’s website title
-- Coloring issue Fixed in Dark version of Tenant Website
-- Overlay issue fixed in Course theme
-- Slider, Testimonial Background issue fixed in Course Theme
-- Variations issue fixed in Items
-- ADDED: Hotel Booking Feature
-- Hotel Theme
-- Categories
-- Coupon
-- Amenities
-- Rooms
-- Room Bookings
-- Booking report
-- Added it in Package
-- RTL support
-- ADDED: Course Selling Feature
-- Course Theme
-- Instructors
-- Categories
-- Courses
-- Modules
-- Lesson
-- Lesson Content
-- Drag & Drop Lesson Content Sorting
-- Quiz
-- Video
-- File
-- Code Snippet
-- text
-- Certificate
-- Course Compliance Settings
-- Enrolment
-- Enrolment Report
-- Added it in Package
-- RTL support
-- ADDED: Donation Feature
-- Charity Theme
-- Categories
-- Causes
-- Donation
-- Report
-- Anonymous Donation
-- Added it in Package
-- RTL support
-- ADDED: Portfolio Theme with RTL Support
-- ADDED: many untracked features
-- FIXED: Base Color Issue
-- FIXED: features section image upload issue
-- FIXED: Hide Skills section from Dashboard for Theme 7
-- FIXED: Package Feature wise Sections show in 'Section Customization' of Tenant Dashboard
-- FIXED: Forget Password Page Issue
-- FIXED: Basic Settings Update issue
-- Many more untracked Fixes
-- 4 more Website Templates added (Lawyer, Industry, Digital Agency, Dark Version)
-- 6 more vCard Templates added
-- Added Package / Pricing Plan Upgrade / Downgrade option in Admin
-- Add User option added in Admin
-- Coupon During Registration
-- Added Google Analytics for Tenant
-- Added Facebook Pixel for Tenant
-- Added for Tenant
-- Added Whatsapp chatf or Tenant
-- Added Disqus for Tenant
-- Added custom css, custom js option for Admin
-- Admin Custom CSS option for Tenant
-- Added more Mail Templates
-- Preview Templates section added in main website
-- Added 'www.' support in URL
-- Improved cron job code
-- Validation added for vcard profile image
-- Fixed vcard URL issue
-- Fixed email status change issue in Admin
-- Fixed issue
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