Brivium - Extra Forum Views

xF1 Add-on Brivium - Extra Forum Views 1.0.1

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Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
This mod will adds several extra criterias/settings for your members to enter individual forums. Hopefully this will help increase the activity.

After installing the mod, go to your Acp->Applications and below the Node Tree link you will see a new link added, called: Extra Forum Settings. There you can do the following:

1) Enter the ID of the forum where you would like to enforce the extra criterias/settings for your members.

2) Set the post count criteria for your members in order to view that particular forum.

3) Set the daily post count criteria for your members in order to view that particular forum.

4) Set the time of how long an user must be a registered member at your forum in order for him/her to view that particular forum.

5) Set the users age.

6) Ban user/s from viewing that particular forum.

7) Set the users gender. This comes with a gender lock. Meaning users will not be able to change their genders once they set it. So they will not be able to sneak in the wrong forum

You can exclude a group and/or groups from the extra resource settings restrictions.

You can do so at Group Permissions->Forum Permissions->Can bypass extra forum view settings restrictions: Set this setting to Yes and save the changes.​
18.2 KB
First release
Last update

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