
Script BeDesk 2.0.2 Nulled

No permission to download
  • new: it's now possible to edit subject on ticket page
  • new: errors will on the site will now show more details, if logged in as admin.
  • new: translations can now be downloaded and uploaded as .json file
  • new: visible to and managed by fields are now available for categories as well as articles
  • new: added CRON, outgoing email and error logs in admin area
  • new: changed email verification to use one time password, instead of verification link
  • new: request password before allowing user to delete account
  • new: allow sitemap generation via command line
  • fix: existing trigger conditions sometimes not showing
  • fix: ticket report generation issue
  • fix: old settings sometimes being cached
  • fix: article editor info block duplicating sometimes
  • fix: resending email verification from admin area
  • fix: some layout issues in user profile page
  • fix: customer tickets page sorting
  • fix: uploading image for new category sometimes not working
  • fix: line breaks sometimes getting removed from ticket reply
  • fix: some issues with appearance editor color pickers
  • fix: seo tags being duplicated sometimes
  • fix: mark all notification as unread, instead of just visible ones via mark as unread button
  • fix: api docs authentication
  • fix: mobile menu sometimes opening links in new window
  • fix: cookie notice layout on mobile
  • fix: a few issues with user passwords and login
  • fix: email attachments when using s3 to store files
  • fix: visual issues on landing page headings
  • fix: hide purchases panel if envato integration is disabled

2023 December 29 - Version 2.0.0​

New Features​

  • Fully rewritten BeDesk in React. This results in many improvements from previous versions, including better performance, bundle size reduction by nearly 2x (with bigger reduction in future updates), better animations and many bugfixes.
  • Refreshed the design for most pages across the site.
  • Added support for importing emails via IMAP.
  • Added support for parsing raw emails using OpenAI.
  • It's now possible to upload files directly from browser to s3 and s3 compatible services.
  • Added new editor for articles and ticket replies.
  • Added simplified threading to email replies.
  • Added two factor authentication support.
  • It's now possible to change default font, border radius and navbar color from appearance editor.
  • Users can now be suspended/baned from admin area.
  • Added full size social login buttons as an option in login and register pages.
  • It's now possible to select article author and role that article is visible to.
  • It's now possible to prevent emails from certain domains from registering new accounts.
  • New SEO tags editor in admin area.
  • Added active sessions panel in account settings page.


  • Migrated Google Analytics integration to v4.
  • Improved landing page appearance editor.
  • Many improvements to help center management.
  • Many improvements to reports and charts in admin area.
  • Many improvements to help center and agent search.
  • Admin sidebar can now be edited from menu manager.
  • Updated to the latest version of Laravel.
  • Added compatibility with PHP 8.1+
  • It's now possible to preview files from "admin -> files" page.
  • When email confirmation is enabled, user will now see a special page where they can resend confirmation email.
  • Appearance editor themes section now has fewer colors that need to be overwritten.
  • Added a lot more icons in appearance editor icon selector.
  • Call to action buttons in landing page editor and gdpr settings in admin area now have the same options as menu editor items.
  • Improved filtering for data tables in admin area.
  • Menus can now be assigned to multiple positions.
  • Menu items in menu manager can now be configured to show based on user roles or permissions.
  • Added region option to mailgun mail provider in settings page.
  • Upgraded GDPR EU location check.
  • Added postmark mail provider.
  • Update translation manager in admin area, there should no longer be any missing strings.

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed several issues with translations.
  • Fixed an issue with article attachment download.
  • Fixed a number of issues related to timezones and daylight savings time in charts.
  • Updated GEOIP database for resolving user location from IP.
  • Fixed logout sometimes not working until page reload.
  • Only show "Developers" menu item if user has "api.access" permission.
  • Fixed an issue where ordering in admin data tables would not work properly when certain filters were active.
  • Prevent user from being logged out when changing password in account settings page.
  • Default browser language will no longer take priority over one selected in admin settings.
  • Fixed an issue where disabling registration from settings page would leave API registration route active.
  • Prevent admin user from being deleted.
  • Fix wrong site url sometimes being set during installation.
  • Fix google tag manager snippet not being inserted correctly sometimes

New Features​

  • Added Gmail provider for both incoming and outgoing emails.
  • Added time based trigger conditions. For example, it's now possible to close the ticket automatically after a number of hours passed since last user reply.
  • Added "mailbox address" trigger condition for checking at what address email that created the ticket arrived.
  • Added a fully featured, token based API. It can be used to integrate BeDesk into other projects, native apps and more.
  • Added Manage API Access Tokens section in account settings page for creating or revoking API access tokens.
  • Added functional API docs. They can be accessed at url, there's also a link in account settings page.
  • Added filtering functionality to ticket search dialog.
  • Added meilisearch integration for ticket and article search.


  • Updated datatable design in admin area and added a number of new filters.
  • Simplified permission manager. It will now have better descriptions for permissions and rarely used permissions will be hidden behind "advanced" button toggle.
  • Clicking envato purchase code in the sidebar will now show details for the purchase.
  • New ticket notification will now show ticket subject and category along the new ticket body.
  • Improved incoming email quoted reply and signature parsing.
  • A more descriptive error message will now be shown if incompatible PHP version is detected.
  • Fixed a few issues with sitemap generation.
  • Updated laravel and angular to the latest version.
  • Custom pages and articles will now support code highlighting for more languages.
  • Shown agent display name instead of email in assign ticket dropdown.
  • Locale can now be set automatically based on the browser preferences or parameter in the url.
  • Help center footer now has two menus editable from menu manager.
  • User can now change language and theme without logging in.

Bug Fixes​

  • New trigger page will now correctly show validation errors.
  • Fixed several issues in ticket search dialog.
  • It's now possible to upload files while on mobile in new ticket form.
  • Article content sidebar will now correctly scroll if it's longer then the article content.
  • Fixed an issue with sorting in help center article index.
  • Assigning ticket to aggent via trigger will now correctly send notification to the agent.
  • Emails and notifications will now be sent in language that user has selected in their account settings page.
  • Request received notification will no longer be sent to customer if agent creates a new ticket for that customer.
  • Clicking user or article is search dialog will now correctly close the dialog.
  • Article order select will now work properly in help center category page.
  • Tag manager in new article page will now correctly suggest from all existing tags, instead of only recent tags when typing.
  • Email notifications will now have alt tag for all images.
  • Fixed an issue where installation might not start properly on some hosting environments.
  • Fixed an issue where article content menu would not work sometimes if it has accented characters.
  • Fixed a few issues with algolia search provider.
  • Copy should work properly on macOS in the text editor.
  • Fixed an issue where public image would sometimes be uploaded as private when using s3 to store files.
  • Social logins panel in account settings page will now be hidden if all social logins are disabled in settings page.
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect article might be shown for a specific url for web crawlers.
  • Corrected some visual issues with search input in agent mailbox page.
  • A number of other smaller fixes.


  • Only one device can now be allowed to be logged into user account at the same time.
  • Changed default mailbox folders so it's easier to see which tickets are assigned or unassigned.
  • "Pending" tickets will no longer be included in the count number next to folder name.
  • "Open" tickets will now have bold text so they it's easier to tell "open" and "pending" tickets apart.
  • Tickets per page setting in tickets list will now be remembered.
  • Parent categories in "article grid" help center layout can now have articles as well as child categories.
  • Persist pagination and sort parameters between page reloads in ticket list.
  • Category page article list now can load more articles when scrolling down.
  • Don't show folders that have no tickets in left sidebar of ticket list.
  • User tags will now be shown in conversation sidebar.
  • Tickets in search modal can now be sorted properly.
  • Same condition and action type can be now used multiple times in same trigger.
  • Automatically clear help center homepage cache after updating/deleting category or article.
  • If envato integration is enabled, individual purchases can now be added by code from account settings page.
  • Tags in article list can now be clicked and will filter article list by that tag.
  • Compatibility with new pusher API version.

Bug Fixes​

  • Don't count closed tickets toward ticket count of "mine" folder.
  • Fixed an issue where date range for ticket report might skip the first day sometimes.
  • Fixed an issue where agents would not be able to open notification subscription page sometimes.
  • Styling applied in conversation editor will now correctly appear in agent notification reply preview snippet.
  • Help center search page will now show correct total matched article count.
  • "Send and next ticket" action will no longer automatically open tickets that are assigned to someone else.
  • All text on ew ticket page will now be correctly translatable.
  • Fixed several article display issues on certain tablet sizes.
Bug Fixes

  • Correct categories should now show properly in article page, when article is attached to multiple parent categories.
  • Fixed a few issues with help center export in admin area.
  • Corrected a few visual issues on user profile page in agent mailbox.
  • Fixed an issue with envato reports not generating sometimes.
  • Fixed side navigation in offline documentation.
  • Fixed an issue with trigger sometimes not showing condition values when editing it.
Bug Fixes
  • Add missing confirmation email template.
  • Fix "Hide incomplete categories" option in settings page.
  • Allow users to download files attached by agents to their ticket.
  • Fix "notify: via email" trigger action.
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