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WP BackupBuddy 8.8.4 Nulled

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Bug Fix: Validate data types sent to Stash server
XSS Vulnerbality fixes
Looback Test Fixes
PHP 8 Updates for licensing/updater module
Enhancement: Updated Updater - Includes Support for WordPress Automatic Updates.
Bug Fix: Resolved issues with Dropbox sends where later versions of cURL being used.
Bug Fix: Resolved .dat file sends for multipart transfers.
Bug Fix: Resolved error when incorrect offset is returned by Dropbox.
Bug Fix: Better handling of getMetadata in Dropbox SDK for file_exists checks.
Enhancement: Display cURL version information in Diagnostics > Server.
Enhancement: Adjusted "Deleted X file(s)" text to be easier to read.
Bug Fix: Resolved issue of incorrect path to JS file.
Bug Fix: Fixed incorrect service URLs for S3 Bucket Regions.
Bug Fix: Resolved issue where BackupBuddy pages lock up related to admin notices.
Enhancement: Improvements to Stash v2 and v3 that can dramatically improve performance of sending files.
Bug Fix: Resolved issues with invalid schedules.
Bug Fix: Added schedule cleanup to Housekeeping to resolve some issues with bad schedules. Updated

HaseebIqbaldevbLatest member