- NEW: Added publishing status and date scheduling options to Off-Canvas
- NEW: Added playback rate options to the Audio element
- NEW: Added WooCommerce product's last purchase date and total purchase count to the dynamic data engine
- NEW: Added WooCommerce product purchased / not purchased checks to the rendering logic engine
- NEW: Added feature to dynamic data engine to pull images directly from a FileBird folder in the media library
- NEW: Added an option to Lightbox settings to allow Lightbox images to loop
- NEW: Added an option to display a page scroll indicator to floated to-top buttons
- NEW: Added possibility to cancel the to-top scroll, when interfering with a click or mouse wheel move while scrolling is in progress
- NEW: Added page post type to the available post types in Post Cards element query
- NEW: Added post status to the query options filters in Post Cards element
- NEW: Added ignore sticky posts to the query options filters in Post Cards element
- NEW: Added support for ACF repeaters from option pages in Post Cards element
- NEW: Added support for ACF icon pickers to dynamic data repeater options
- NEW: Added a maintenance / coming soon mode indicator to the WP admin bar
- NEW: WooCommerce quick view now supports AJAX add-to-cart
- NEW: Added field value option to Textarea element in Avada Forms
- NEW: Avada Forms submission expiration functionality will now be useable independent from the privacy settings
- NEW: Added option to Avada Forms to remove/add the required field symbol decoration
- NEW: YouTube shorts are now working in the Avada lightbox
- NEW: Added option to System Status to copy the main site Global Options across all sites on a multisite install
- NEW: Added the possibility to use clamp()-based font-sizes in Avada Slider
- NEW: Added Woo logo badge to WooCommerce elements in the builder element selection
- SECURITY: Contributor+ level users being able to clone arbitrary posts and thus being able to view contents of drafted or pending posts
- SECURITY: Contributor+ level users being able to add JS code to a few elements for execution on page preview of an admin user
- PERFORMANCE: Vastly improved the image ID lookup for images retrieved through the dynamic data engine
- PERFORMANCE: Vastly improved speed of the attachment data lookup function when the attachment ID is not available
- IMPROVEMENT: Added the possibility to paste content that was copied through the editor context menu directly to tinyMCE options
- IMPROVEMENT: Changed initialization of the WooCommerce Image Gallery element to improve compatibility with certain hosts
- IMPROVEMENT: Added the AvadaCustom Branding plugin to the Avada Patcher system
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure that the Avada favicon settings take precedence over the default WP Site Logo
- IMPROVEMENT: Excluded post queries that use random post order from the Avada query cache to avoid result duplication
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed the deprecated Google Maps pan control option when using the JS API
- IMPROVEMENT: Scroll-to-step navigation in multi-step Avada Forms is now limited to forms with the navigation on top
- IMPROVEMENT: Added maximum file size to the Avada Forms Upload field description
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure that all relevant FAQ items are shown in FAQ element, even if used on archives or on an FAQ itself
- IMPROVEMENT: Dynamic data will now display category names of The Evnts Calendar plugin on archive pages instead of just "Events"
- IMPROVEMENT: Added the set Favivon to Live Editor screens
- IMPROVEMENT: Excerpt basis value is now linked to the excerpt length options for easier overview
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions, dependencies, and dialogs for better usability and internationalization
- COMPATIBILITY: Replaced outdated wp_smush_should_skip_parse for compatibility with the latest version of WP Smushit plugin
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed GravityView plugin icons not correctly working in Avada Builder
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed single post content compatibility issue with the latest versions of the Sermon Manager plugin
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed 520 loading error when using the WooCommerce My Account login on sites hosted by WPEngine
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed BuddyPress email templates URL replacements being filtered out creating link issues
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed media library scrolling issue when Instant Images plugin is used
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WordPress 6.7.1
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.4.3
- UPDATED: Compatibility with The Events Calendar 6.8.3
- UPDATED: Instagram element to comply with latest requirements from Meta
- ACCESSIBILITY: Added alt and aria-label attributes to empty Column background images
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed itemprop attribute in Vimeo and YouTube elements
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed aria-expanded attribute being added to desktop menus that have a mobile mode
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed aria-expanded attribute not correctly working in the Menu element when toggling different sub-menus
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce My Account menu login labels using incorrect for attribute
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed two misspelled aria-label attributes
- FIXED: ACF repeater data not being retrievable on archive pages when using parent/child element setups
- FIXED: Required fields in Avada Forms getting hidden/shown through conditional logic no longer being required then
- FIXED: Error styling not being applied to required select fields in Avada Forms
- FIXED: Default sender email being incorrect in Avada Forms in secondary languages when using WPML with sub-folder setup
- FIXED: Elements with dynamic content not rendering correctly when added to multi-step forms in Avada Forms
- FIXED: Form submission not working for second form when adding the same Avada Form twice to one page and using reCAPTCHA v3
- FIXED: Links to post not added when using the single post share box and sharing on X
- FIXED: Variation images not correctly displayed in lightbox when the WooCommerce product gallery does not have thumbs (i.e. only one featured image is used)
- FIXED: Before & After elements not correctly initialized when being part of Post Cards that get loaded through load more feature
- FIXED: Full-screen slider option not working correctly for Avada Slider when using slide animation
- FIXED: Read more symbol not respecting the Global Option setting when using dynamic data excerpts option and WP auto excerpts
- FIXED: Breadcrumbs element being hidden on mobile in custom Page Title Bar (PTB) layout, if the legacy PTB breadcrumbs are disabled in Global Options on mobile
- FIXED: URL for layout imports in the Setup Wizard
- FIXED: Post Card Image link being incorrect for WoCoomerce product variation after choosing a variation on the Post Card
- FIXED: Apply/remove coupon notices not always being correctly displayed in the Woo Notices element
- FIXED: Border radius option in Search element not correctly inheriting from the global form options
- FIXED: Background image fase option not respecting the background-repeat option in Container element
- FIXED: Woo Rating element not using full product link when being used as part of a Post Card
- FIXED: Percentage-based discount badge being wrong in Woo Price element when product price is below 1
- FIXED: Button element gradient angle option having incorrect default value
- FIXED: Top and bottom padding options not working in Checklist element when using the divider line option
- FIXED: Display issue in Post Cards element when a CPT with the name "product" is used that is not related to WooCommerce
- FIXED: Caption color being incorrect in Image element when using the Schantel caption effect
- FIXED: Spacing issue on the Events Calendar main archive pages
- FIXED: Styling issue of options in the WordPress Customizer
- FIXED: JS error happening when using the HubSpot oAuth API
- FIXED: PHP notice for load text domain too early
- FIXED: PHP notice in the Social Links widget regarding the Snapchat link
- FIXED: PHP notice in class-fusion-images.php
- FIXED: PHP notice appearing for subscriber role users in the WP Dashboard
- FIXED: PP notice in Menu element on some expand directions when using active border sizes
- FIXED: History no always correctly working in Backend Editor when using undo and redo
- FIXED: Critical error happening due to wp_check_post_lock() function in Live Editor when user gets logged out automatically
- FIXED: Absolutely positioned Comtainers not always having the correct width in Live Editor, depending on responsive settings and hover state
- FIXED: Next/prev icons not being displayed correctly in Woo Product Images element in Live Editor
- FIXED: Nested columns as children of a global Column being duplicated when added twice to a page in Live Editor and content getting edited
- FIXED: Transform origin option not working correctly in Live Editor
- FIXED: First placeholder image not being properly loaded in the Image Carousel element in Live Editor
- FIXED: TinyMCE editor options in Live Editor leading to unwanted page scroll in WP 6.7
- FIXED: Color option descriptions in Live Editor displaying global color variable instead of color name
- SECURITY: Additional security hardening for Button element attributes (This is only relevant when saving through a different page builder)
- NEW: Added 29 different dynamic data endpoints for The Events Calendar, making it easy to create custom single event layouts using the Layout Builder
- NEW: Added possibility to assign a layout to single Events Calendar events
- NEW: Added Event Venue Name, Event Organizer Name, Event Address and Event Cost to Post Meta element
- NEW: Added post type as option to the Post Meta element
- NEW: Sortable option types like "Meta Elements" in Post Meta element can be adjusted through a double click on individual items now
- NEW: Added the possibility to cross-site copy and paste Avada Builder content
- NEW: Added right-click copy feature to icon pickers, to copy the icon name CSS easily
- NEW: Added support for ACF icon pickers in dynamic data
- NEW: Added support for ACF Option Pages in dynamic data
- NEW: Added do_action() to dynamic data options
- NEW: Added dynamic data to the Pinterest image option in the Sharing Box element
- NEW: WooCommerce out-of-stock badge is now also shown when choosing the clean product design
- NEW: Added loop and player control options to YouTube element
- NEW: Added the interior content width option to Container elements in Off Canvas
- NEW: Added animation timing function option to Off Canvas animations
- NEW: Added option to allow Select elements in Avada Forms to be multi-select
- NEW: Added posts offset option to the Post Card Archives element
- NEW: Added functionality to have several Post Card Archives element on the same archive layout, for "featured post" like setups
- NEW: Added option to control what is displayed in Post Card element when no posts have been found
- NEW: Added LIKE operator to custom field comparison option in Post Card element
- NEW: Added "Post In" setting to the order by option in Post Card element
- NEW: Added session value as selection to the Rendering Logic engine
- NEW: Added Portfolio categories, skills, and tag and FAQ categories to the admin tables for easier management
- NEW: Added menu order option to the admin post tables for Pages, Portfolio, and FAQ post types, for easier sorting
- NEW: Added an option to Button element to add the ARIA role button
- IMPROVEMENT: Added support for the woocommerce_add_to_cart_redirect filter when using single product ajax add to cart feature
- IMPROVEMENT: Element names in the Live Editor Navigator are no longer escaping special chars for better readability
- IMPROVEMENT: Dynamic data global option logos will now always display correctly (not just a placeholder) when used on Image element
- IMPROVEMENT: Changed Instagram social link icon color to one of the Instagram gradient main colors
- IMPROVEMENT: Changed tagline color option in the Sharing Box element to the normal/hover states setup
- IMPROVEMENT: Implicit consent text color is now tied to the form label color in Avada Forms
- IMPROVEMENT: Soft linebreaks are now working in the Tex element when used inside of Avada Forms
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions, dependencies, and dialogs for better usability
- UPDATED: Off Canvas post option icon picker to make it work with latest versions of Google Chrome
- UPDATED: Changed priority of the menu inline scripts enqueueing for better performance for other plugins enqueueing to footer
- UPDATED: Removed the placeholder JS script for better compatibility and performance
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.2.3
- UPDATED: Compatibility with The Events Calendar 6.6.2
- ACCESSIBILITY: Added product name to the "Remove Item" button of the Cart Table element
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed menu trigger button not changing aria-expanded attribute to true on menu open in Menu element
- COMPATIBILITY: WooCommerce menu login box to use the wp_login_url() function for better compatibility with third parties.
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed compatibility issue with the Dynamic Menu Product Categories plugin
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed more content issues with the MemberDash plugin when using the Layout Builder
- FIXED: Image element magnify and scroll features not working for AJAX loaded postcards when using load more option in Post Card element
- FIXED: Custom capability CPTs not always being correctly matched in role manager for accessing the builders
- FIXED: ACF relationship post source setting not working in Post Card element when being used on Archive pages
- FIXED: WooCommerce order attribution not being added when using Woo Checkout Billing element (necessary for latest versions of WooCommerce)
- FIXED: Responsive columns not always working correctly in Gallery element
- FIXED: Maintenance / coming soon mode not being able to exclude the site homepage alone
- FIXED: Maintenance / coming soon mode default template displaying incorrectly on mobile
- FIXED: Caption text not using correct font style in Image element
- FIXED: The Events Calendar main loop being incorrect when using a Post Card element before the main content (e.g. in mega menus)
- FIXED: Bottom shadow width not always being correct in Image element
- FIXED: Instagram element not being able to load the feed correctly, if the site is not using pretty permalinks
- FIXED: show_product_loop_outofstock_flash() function using incorrect class for action hook in WooProduct Grid element
- FIXED: YouTube element autoplay not working when using Avada lazyloading and content being below the fold
- FIXED: Missing px unit in inline CSS of the width setting for LayerSlider
- FIXED: JS error happening when using the URL regex pattern Avada Forms
- FIXED: JS error preventing WooCommerce quick view from working, when no product title is set on the product
- FIXED: JS error happening in some cases in Post Card element when post slider is not initialized
- FIXED: PHP notice in add-to-cart.php template when using WooCommerce 9.0+
- FIXED: PHP notice when using Snapchat social link in combination with brand colors
- FIXED: PHP notice when using an SVG as image that has no vieBox param set
- FIXED: Potential fatal error if Avada And WooCommerce are active, but Avada Builder is not
- FIXED: Image element focal point position difference between Live Editor and backend editor
- FIXED: Slider Revolution element not rendering properly in the Live Editor
- FIXED: SEO title and meta description options not triggering content changed action to make post saveable in Live Editor
- FIXED: Several options of Media Slider element not live updating in Live Editor
- FIXED: Post Card element preview being empty in Live Editor when a Blog or Portfolio element is rendering before it with full content
- FIXED: Subgroup option types being incorrectly displayed in medium and small editor mode in the backend builder
- FIXED: Wave weight and size options not saving correctly in Separator element in backend editor
- NEW: Added responsive options to the Instagram element to decide over the button layout
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated toTop option titles for consistency and easier search
- IMPROVEMENT: Avada Forms privacy params will only be added when needed now when submitting to URL
- IMPROVEMENT: Added Avada's sticky CSS class to sticky posts in Post Cards element
- COMPATIBILITY: The Event Tickets plugin causing a fatal error when using the Layout Builder
- FIXED: Breadcrumbs with disabled post title displaying a trailing separator
- FIXED: Update cart dynamic data functionality not working on WooCommerce cart page
- FIXED: Menu thumbnail images not being saved when legacy mega menu option is turned off
- FIXED: Underscore added to the anchor, even when menul link goes to external resource
- FIXED: Fatal error, when only Avada Core plugin is activated
- FIXED: PHP error and notice on PHP 8 in a few cases
- FIXED: JS error in the builder when using Flip Boxes element
- FIDED: Cancel comment link missing a white space in Comments element
- FIXED: Title element overflowing in Post Cards element one column grid layout when using ellipsis
- FIXED: Removed horizontal resize event from Toggles Element to avoid resize events on other elements
- FIXED: Icons on Button element not keeping accent color when buttons are focused
- FIXED: YouTube element iFrame being doubled when used in a Modal element and video facade option is enabled
- FIXED: Update totals button spacing on mobile in WooCommerce Cart Shipping element
- FIXED: Posts/pages with special chars being displayed encoded in Layout Conditions
- FIXED: Posts with apostrophe in name not being saved in Layout Conditions
- FIXED: Columns jumping in live editor when being absolutely positioned and hovered
- FIXED: Form Step progress height option is not displayed in the backend editor
- FIXED: MailChimp Groups not showing in Avada Forms when using the backend editor
Avada 7.9 introduces the new Mega Menu builder, maintenance & coming soon mode, a role manager for Avada features,
5 new elements, including Table Of Contents, and a ton of new design and layout features, like link text decoration,
button text hover effects, Layout Cards re-order or new full-screen scrolling section animation.
And there is so much more. See it all below.
- NEW: Added a full Mega Menu builder, using the builder UI and saving to the Library for easy re-use
- NEW: Added maintenance and coming soon mode incl. settings
- NEW: Added a user role manager to easily manage which user roles have access to the different areas of Avada
- NEW: Added Table Of Contents element with various design options to easily auto-render all headings on a post/page
- NEW: Added options to display text decorations (like underline) to text links across the site
- NEW: Added the possibility to re-order Avada Layout cards
- NEW: Added several advanced transition animation options to full-screen scrolling sections
- NEW: Added a Submenu element with full set of design options for easy usage in the new Mega Menu builder
- NEW: Added Circle Info element allowing stylish and interactive presentation of short blocks of content
- NEW: Added Stripe Button element for easily selling products through Stripe
- NEW: Added text hover effects to Button element
- NEW: Added advanced transform options, both regular and hover to Column and Nested Columns element
- NEW: Added a new color swipe animation type to all element Animations
- NEW: Added a delay option to all element animations
- NEW: Added mouse scroll design options to Post Cards element
- NEW: Added extensive options for easy styling of navigation in Post Cards element
- NEW: Added image sorting option to the Image Carousel element
- NEW: Added an option to disable the post name on breadcrumbs
- NEW: Added a form label font size option to Avada Forms
- NEW: Added a Live Editor preview background color option for Avada Forms
- NEW: Added Consent Field element to Avada Forms to easily get explicit or implicit user consent
- NEW: Added support for HubSpot's advanced GDPR tools to Avada Forms
- NEW: Added support for passing data to Mailchimp depending on the new Consent Field element in Avada Forms
- NEW: Added option to Avada Forms Password element to show a password reveal icon
- NEW: Added new "must match" options to Avada Forms Email and Password elements to enable classic sign-up forms
- NEW: Added a starting value option to Avada Forms Text and Email elements
- NEW: Added options for ordered lists to the Checklist element
- NEW: Added more icon-related child options to the Checklist element
- NEW: Added border radius option and responsive padding options to Tabs element
- NEW: Added global padding option to the Sharing Box element
- NEW: Added padding options to Toggle and FAQ elements
- NEW: Added options to style the Load More button in Post Card Archives element
- NEW: Added options to have stacked sub-menu mode and additional preferences to Menu element when used in vertical mode
- NEW: Added option to the Menu element, that allows choosing between Toggle and Accordion mode when opening sub-menus on mobile
- NEW: Added link color and target, height, typography, and border-radius settings to the Newsticker element
- NEW: Added margin options to the individual boxes of the Content Boxes element
- NEW: Added z-index option to Off-Canvas
- NEW: Added an option to display "All Events" link on single Events Calendar posts
- NEW: Added Snapchat to social links
- NEW: Added user avatar to dynamic data options
- NEW: Added support for ACF select field (multi) in dynamic data options
- NEW: Added comment status and comment count to the conditional rendering engine
- NEW: Added a filter for easy extension of conditional rendering
- NEW: Added a filter for easy extension of Avada Forms actions
- NEW: Added a filter for file upload handling in Avada Forms
- NEW: Added a filter to prevent dynamic CSS generation
- PERFORMANCE: On new installs, nothing related to WP legacy widgets will be loaded anymore
- PERFORMANCE: Refactored 60+ elements to avoid style blocks in markup and improve loading
- PERFORMANCE: Added an option to WooCommerce Product Images element to skip lazy loading
- PERFORMANCE: The fusion_builder_map() function is now being skipped on the front end for all elements
- PERFORMANCE: Simplified and reduced the CSS output for the Container element link color options
- PERFORMANCE: Custom icon fonts now using the Font Face Rendering option
- PERFORMANCE: Removed several WP block-related scripts from front-end, when block styles are turned off
- PERFORMANCE: Removed WooCommerce blocks styles from front-end, when block styles are turned off
- SEO: Added content analysis integration for Yoast SEO and Rank Maths to the back-end posts/pages
- SEO: Added paragraph (p) HTML tag to title tag selection options
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed HTML markup for boxed mode and sliding bar when they are turned off
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure that form fields are no longer cleared out when a submission error occurs
- IMPROVEMENT: Post Card Image placeholders will now respect the aspect ratio setting
- IMPROVEMENT: Image and Gallery elements are now being taken into account for reading time when using the Meta element
- IMPROVEMENT: Increased the number of images maximum in the Flickr element to 500
- IMPROVEMENT: Added better handling for add form errors in HubSpot when using Avada Forms
- IMPROVEMENT: Added consistent icons to the Portfolio and FAQ post-type menus in the WP dashboard
- IMPROVEMENT: Placeholders in Post Card Image element now also follow the set aspect ratio
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure range slider options update directly on change and not on key-up events
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed element maximum limits
- IMPROVEMENT: Better wrapping of long names of containers and templates in the library section of the editor
- IMPROVEMENT: Generated critical CSS will no longer be loaded in the Live Editor
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions and dependencies for better usability
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.1+
- UPDATED: Compatibility with The Events Calendar 6.0+
- UPDATED: HubSpot form submission handling for better compatibility
- UPDATED: Replaced the old carousel JS library with a new, lightweight, and modern library
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed aria-label and role of the filter items
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce One Page Checkout plugin not updating values when adjusting quantity through Buttons
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed global footer layout not working when using Woocommerce Frontend Manager
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce Gift Cards plugin not working with product layouts
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed search for multiple post types being redirected to the Events Calendar results page when events is one of the CPT
- FIXED: Twitter element not working
- FIXED: Usage of deprecated, fixed WooCommerce image size
- FIXED: WooCommerce product gallery images not displaying correctly on RTL sites in WebKit browsers
- FIXED: WooCommerce stripe button not available on checkout pages when using layouts
- FIXED: WooCommerce SKU not being correctly updated on variable products when SKU is used more than once
- FIXED: Styling and quantity update issue on Events Calendar ticket pages
- FIXED: Styling issue with the new Events Calendar event series
- FIXED: Styling issue with the new Events Calendar community events
- FIXED: Search results for Events Calendar events not being displayed on main events page
- FIXED: Custom icon sets not working in the Vertical Menu widget
- FIXED: Animations not working correctly in a few elements
- FIXED: Link expiration issue when using WP login forms in some cases
- FIXED: Side header anchor scroll not highlighting correct menu item when using a side-header layout
- FIXED: Date format not being picked from "General" settings when option is left empty in Related Posts element
- FIXED: Undefined variable notice in Content Boxes element and Avada Forms
- FIXED: Line breaks not working in Avada Forms Textarea Field if name is not the auto "textarea"
- FIXED: Avada Forms Select element arrow not respecting border sizes
- FIXED: JS error occurring on Avada Forms submission when using Hidden Field element with empty value
- FIXED: Avada Forms backend entries only display a single value for checkbox field even when multiple values were submitted
- FIXED: Placeholder values being displayed in custom email replies if no values are set in Avada Forms
- FIXED: Layout Builder override is incorrectly being used when having a post with layout as first post on dedicated blog page
- FIXED: FAQ element title color option not working
- FIXED: Color variables not always being correct when using critical CSS
- FIXED: Rotating icon option not working correctly when icon circle is off in Icon element
- FIXED: Carousel navigation box color not working in Image Carousel element
- FIXED: Cloned layout sections having incorrect edit URLs
- FIXED: Duplicate margin options in the Widget element
- FIXED: Fatal error on legacy search page when Checklist element is deactivated
- FIXED: First item in Checklist element having no top padding, even if a background color is used
- FIXED: Masonry layout incorrectly positioning postcards in Post Card Archives when using AJAX loading
- FIXED: Reading time being incorrect in some instances in the Meta element
- FIXED: Fatal error on post edit screens when Avada is disabled but builder plugin is active
- FIXED: Liftup animation in Image element not working correctly when using max-width and image aspect ratio settings
- FIXED: Video facade option not working correctly when using videos in portrait mode
- FIXED: Lightbox on mobile not auto-opening on load when using deep links
- FIXED: SVG image upload not working correctly in the Setup Wizard
- FIXED: JS error in User Login element when using v2 reCaptcha
- FIXED: Sprintf error with % symbol in off canvas title
- FIXED: Counter Circles not fully centered because of separating margins
- FIXED: Product number option not updating correctly in WooCommerce Sorting element
- FIXED: Product postcards changing incorrectly in Live Editor, when changing option after refresh
- FIXED: Focus trap missing from icon picker options, which leads to Live Editor content being pushed up a few pixels in some cases
- FIXED: A few styling issues in dark mode of the Live Editor
- FIXED: Extra space displaying and load more button missing in Gallery element in Live Editor when more images are loaded than are displaying
- FIXED: Off-canvas z-index being incorrect in Live Editor when using parallax footer
- FIXED: Hover effect of Content Boxes element not being correct in Live Editor in some cases
- FIXED: Margin picker handles being hidden when editing a Column in Live Editor that uses border-radius
- FIXED: Separator not being correctly hidden in Post Cards element in Live Editor if number of columns is set to 0
- FIXED: Inline column width options missing from Nested Columns element
- FIXED: Upload element icon alignment in Live Editor of Avada Forms
- FIXED: Global option changes that trigger a default update including AJAX callback not re-rendering elements in Live Editor
- FIXED: Nested Columns not being editable when being inside a sticky Container in Live Editor
- FIXED: Settings panel of child elements added through the add image button in Gallery element not working
- FIXED: Post type for being wrong for Post Cards and Mega Menus in Live Editor
- FIXED: Repeater row for custom fonts section requiring two clicks to remove an item in the Live Editor
- FIXED: Preview frame of Live Editor shifting up when changing last element option of a tab using TAB key
- FIXED: Notification tab being empty in Live Editor for newly created forms
- NEW: Added a trigger of the HubSpot chat to the dynamic data sources
- NEW: Added Skip Lazy Loading option to the Column element
- NEW: Added Boxed Padding element option to the Social Links element
- IMPROVEMENT: WordPress default custom fields are now available as dynamic data sources
- IMPROVEMENT: Popover content in Image Hotspot element now allows HTML
- IMPROVEMENT: Allow more columns on larger screens in the Avada Studio modal
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce Product Addons plugin causing JS error on the cart page
- FIXED: Events Calendar search bar missing mobile icons for search and filters
- FIXED: Quick edit links for Avada Forms, Post Cards and Menus not working in back-end editor
- FIXED: Child element content being escaped when editing a sibling in the back-end editor
- FIXED: Tag Cloud element missing taxonomy option on back-end editor
- FIXED: Width of items being incorrect in Social Links element when using font size in ems
- FIXED: Issue in latest version of Event Tickets plugin, causing a fatal error when using the layout builder
- FIXED: Wrong menu item being highlighted when using anchor scrolling
- FIXED: Fatal error happening on PHP 8.1 in image class when images are corrupted and thus don't have dimensions set
- FIXED: Avada Studio import option buttons overlapping the sticky menu in the Setup Wizard
- FIXED: Font size not being based on px not working in Checklist element in live editor
- NEW: Added possibility to dynamically trigger and populate Modal elements (e.g. for Post Card element)
- NEW: Added a filter for more control over additional link attributes
- IMPROVEMENT: Patcher will now only be loaded on back-end, improving compatibility and performance
- IMPROVEMENT: Refactored method of reading and filtering 3rd party CSS files for enqueuing to Avada's compiled CSS
- FIXED: Uploaded custom fonts being loaded as Google fonts when used in page contents
- FIXED: Mega menus not correctly loading, when several menu elements using mega menus are on the same page
- FIXED: Mega menu hover transition not always being correct
- FIXED: Mega menu first level items having wrong font family and color, when mega menu titles are disabled
- FIXED: Table searches on back-end pages not working
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with Polylang plugin causing a fatal error on the front-end
- FIXED: PHP notice occurring when Polylang is active but no languages have been added
- FIXED: Empty column height being sometimes wrong when using a background image
- FIXED: Custom icon set social media icons not working correctly
- FIXED: RSS icon and female testimonial avatar missing from Avada's icon font
- FIXED: Events Calendar single events sidebar items being incorrectly aligned
- FIXED: Sidebar JS script not correctly loaded on single events pages of Events Calendar, when metadata is in sidebar
- FIXED: Form logics and fields data being empty
- FIXED: Form entries pagination not working
- FIXED: Title highlight/rotation animation not working, if below it there is another title element using element animation
- FIXED: Icon padding being incorrect in sub-menus, when megamenu is turned off in Global Options
- FIXED: Avada Core plugin causing a fatal error when being active without Avada Builder or Avada
- FIXED: Minor styling issue of the theme Sharing Box
- FIXED: Title separator spacer missing from a few automatically added headings
- FIXED: PHP notice in class-fusion-searchform.php
- FIXED: WooCommerce product gallery image width being different in Firefox when left or right thumb navigation is used
- FIXED: Click mode not working in Vertical Menu widget
- FIXED: A few RTL issues in the back-end UI
- NEW: Added product sorting options to the WooCommerce Carousel elements
- NEW: Direct link to a Toggle element item is now possible on page load and when linking from another page
- UPDATED: Child theme in full package, to reflect change for stylesheet dependency
- FIXED: WooCommerce list view styling being incorrect
- FIXED: WooCommerce responsive columns not working for the product category shortcode
- FIXED: Featured image slider on pages / posts not working
- FIXED: Container element background videos not working
- FIXED: Lightbox not working on posts / single portfolio items
- FIXED: Lightbox thumbnail request for Vimeo videos leading to 301 and to lightbox loop request
- FIXED: Lightbox images being too large in height when no image title is displayed
- FIXED: Fixed mode in Gallery element loading full-sized images
- FIXED: Infinite scroll and load more not working in Recent Posts element
- FIXED: Email subject encoding option not working correctly
- FIXED: Legacy header causing a jump on scroll when sticky header kicks in, in certain setups
- FIXED: Google Map missing from legacy Contact Page template
- FIXED: Avada Form submission to URL option not respecting server response
- FIXED: PHP notice on terms page of WooCommerce Attributes when using Avada Button type
- FIXED: Custom variation terms missing from import of new WooCommerce prebuilt websites
- FIXED: Avada Live editor not working in some cases, depending on post type selection
- NEW: The WooCommerce single product builder, allowing fully custom products
- NEW: Added Avada custom swatches for WooCommerce variable products: colors, images, buttons
- NEW: WooCommerce Add To Cart element, with dozens of options for price, stock, variations, buy buttons, etc.
- NEW: WooCommerce Product Images element, with gallery width control, preview thumbnails position, and column amount settings
- NEW: WooCommerce Short Description element
- NEW: WooCommerce Tabs element
- NEW: WooCommerce Additional Information element
- NEW: WooCommerce Rating element
- NEW: WooCommerce Reviews element
- NEW: WooCommerce Stock element
- NEW: WooCommerce Related Products element
- NEW: WooCommerce Up-sells element
- NEW: WooCommerce Notices element
- NEW: Additions to the Meta element for WooCommerce related data like SKU
- NEW: Added 9 Global Options to style WooCommerce sale badges (shape, border options, BG color, text color, font-size, contents)
- NEW: Added a Global Option to set the size of WooCommerce product images gallery thumbnails
- NEW: Added options for sale and out of stock badges and offset to the WooCommerce carousel elements
- NEW: WooCommerce product archives now use the responsive column breakpoints to gracefully reduce column amount according to available space
- NEW: Added 8 new section separator styles plus height and repeat settings
- NEW: Added several options to Social Sharing elements, like margin, padding, border, color, etc.
- NEW: Added several options to the Pagination element including preview images, a sticky mode, and taxonomy term settings
- NEW: Gallery and image carousel elements now supports dynamic data feed, so that ACF galleries, Woo product images, and featured images can be used
- NEW: 9 prebuilt layouts, including 4 product pages, 3 blog posts, and 2 portfolio posts
- NEW: Added Reading Time and Word Count options to the Meta element
- NEW: Added a Menu Option to turn on/off the cart counter in the special cart menu element if cart is empty
- NEW: Favicon set in Global Options will now also display in admin area
- NEW: Layout Section elements can now be disabled in the Builder options
- NEW: Compatibility with Events Calendar 5.3
- NEW: Compatibility with PHP 8.0
- PERFORMANCE: Changed JS compiler, so that element relevant scripts will only be loaded, if element is used on a page
- PERFORMANCE: Added Global Option to preload key fonts (icon fonts, Google fonts)
- PERFORMANCE: Added Global Options to disable Portfolio and FAQ post types
- PERFORMANCE: Made sure that only Avada Flexslider script is loaded, when WooCommerce is active
- IMPROVEMENT: If search is set to only display WooCommerce products, the product layout will now be used for results
- IMPROVEMENT: Color palette pickers in Global Options now allowing alpha channel
- IMPROVEMENT: Avada Core and Avada Builder plugins show an info note now when product is not registered
- UPDATED: reCAPTCHA library now running on version 1.2.4
- UPDATED: Flexslider script now running on version 2.7.2
- UPDATED: Facebook SDK version to 8.0
- UPDATED: Removed Mixer social icon, as the network no longer exists
- FIXED: Extra closing ">" for the read more tag in the Blog archives
- FIXED: Saving empty Font Awesome multi-select in Global Options not correctly working
- FIXED: jQuery "ready" event being double triggered because of conflict with WP's jQuery migrate library
- FIXED: Featured image width being wrong, when set in percentage values in Page Options
- FIXED: Self-hosted video in Avada Slider being incorrectly positioned when using parallax mode and side header
- FIXED: WooCommerce single product pages content width being incorrect when using the Page Option setting
- FIXED: Plugin names in the prebuilt websites importer dialog still being Fusion Core and Fusion Builder
- FIXED: Not all needed Global Options auto-updating on changing pre-defined color scheme
- FIXED: Convert Plus plugin activation not working correctly from the prebuilt websites install modal
- FIXED: Privacy consent not working correctly on embedded iframes on single Portfolio posts
- FIXED: Avada Slider keeps auto-playing after touch advance on mobiles
- FIXED: Avada Slider metadata being wrong when slider is used in a content layout section
- FIXED: Avada Slider sometimes displaying empty slides, when using slide animation and full-screen mode
- FIXED: When image lazy loading is enabled the feed page will use placeholder images
- FIXED: Avada Live "Exit to Dashboard" toolbar link not working for non-admin users
- FIXED: Text flickering in Title element when using rotating titles in Chrome on Windows 10
- FIXED: Doubled up icons on Events Calendar pages, when using Events Calendar 5.3+
- FIXED: Events list widget of Events Calendar 5.3+ plugin not displaying when using Widget element
- FIXED: Images not loading in Blog element masonry layout when image lazy loading is disabled
- FIXED: Global elements not translatable with WPML when logged out
- FIXED: Bulk actions not working in Avada form table
- FIXED: Form subject fields being incorrectly encoded in submission email in Cyrillic languages
- FIXED: Date picker popup being behind modal when using Avada form within the Modal element
- FIXED: reCAPTCHA element not working correctly when several forms use it on the same page
- FIXED: reCAPTCHA form element using audio instead of text challenge by default when using V2
- FIXED: Some for inputs not having associated labels
- FIXED: Option values in Submit element for border size and radius can't be changed
- FIXED: Widths of containers below a container that is set to draft being wrong on some setups
- FIXED: Live search overlay not being removed correctly when search input gets deleted
- FIXED: Redirection URL in Login element strips out spaces, creating issues for some setups
- FIXED: Select icon in select field not using the set input text color
- FIXED: Flyout menu not auto-closing, when clicking on an anchor link in Menu element
- FIXED: Cart icons of the menu cart contents being wrongly positioned in flyout menu in Menu element
- FIXED: Menu element margin not being auto-removed on last menu item, which leads to positioning issue
- FIXED: Drop-down menu item active background and text color not correct in cases of hierarchical parents in Menu element
- FIXED: Lottie element size issues in Safari
- FIXED: Alignment option in Lottie element not working for medium and small sizes when a max-width is set
- FIXED: Email link in Social Links element not opening in new tab
- FIXED: PHP notice in template builder class on the blog front page
- FIXED: Media Slider element height being incorrect in some cases and throwing PHP notice if a slide is empty
- FIXED: PHP notice in Image Before & After element, if one of the 2 images is not set
- FIXED: Custom footer layout having styling issues (headings, social icons) on Events Calendar pages
- FIXED: Fatal error happening on using tags in the Meta element when a third party plugin alters the get_the_tag_list() return type
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with PrivateContent plugin and Avada's Layout Builder
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with Download Manager plugin and Avada's Layout Builder
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with Members plugin and Avada's Layout Builder
- FIXED: Compatibility issue on search results page YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search Premium plugin
- FIXED: Compatibility issue, where some plugins cause a PHP notice in function fusion_app_get_permalink()
- FIXED: Compatibility issue between WooCommerce Terms & Conditions page and layout sections
- FIXED: PHP notice on saving an Avada form when YOAST SEO is active
- FIXED: PHP issue in Tabs element in backend editor, when Yoast SEO's page analysis tool is active
- FIXED: Clicking update on Custom Icon Set screen creating a new directory
- FIXED: Custom icons not available in backend editor on an unpublished page
- FIXED: Infinite scroll being broken with the use of Archive element
- FIXED: Sticky sidebars not working for logged out users
- FIXED: Title element spacing between text and separator missing when using div tag
- FIXED: 404 and Search page layouts sharing same CSS cache ID, leading to incorrect CSS output
- FIXED: JS error on removing conditions from layouts after using the post search
- FIXED: ID collision between Avada Form and layout section, when both are used on same page, leading to layout issues
- FIXED: Font family options using italic not being correctly set
- FIXED: "Edit Live" link in WP admin bar linking to homepage when editing a layout section
- FIXED: Testimonial element background being off on WordPress 5.6
- FIXED: Sticky containers not working correctly in WordPress 5.6
- FIXED: Font family changes being off in Avada Live Builder in WordPress 5.6
- FIXED: Display issue in Avada Live Builder when using the anchor name option in Container element
- FIXED: Cloning of Nested Columns element in Avada Live Builder changing the column width
- FIXED: Blog element masonry layout having re-render issues in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Images not displaying correctly for Gallery element in masonry mode in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: "Avada Form" link being doubled in the "New" menu in toolbar of Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Links added to Image element leading to loading of the linked page in wrong frame in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Small display issue in warning dialog in the Avada Live Builder
- NEW: Added a reply-to option for email form submissions, for easier way to directly reply to submissions
- NEW: Added possibility to use form field placeholders in some of the submission options for easier setup
- NEW: Added tabindex options to form builder inputs for easier field focus
- NEW: Added an additional submission option which allows sending email and storing in database simultaneously
- NEW: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.6
- IMPROVEMENT: Added a dependency to Custom Headers option in Avada Form Builder to avoid confusion
- IMPROVEMENT: Changed styling of WPML translation options in Avada's Layout Builder
- FIXED: Load more button not working correctly
- FIXED: Lightbox not working, when social icons are disabled
- FIXED: Image element setting image height attribute incorrectly
- FIXED: ARIA label for social icons using a prefix
- FIXED: reCAPTCHA fields in Avada Form Builder being send along with submission email
- FIXED: HMTL special chars being incorrectly displayed in form submission emails in some clients
- FIXED: Form entries not correctly displaying when loading through the Avada dashboard menu
- FIXED: Submissions count incrementor using hard-coded database table name in Avada Form Builder
- FIXED: Is read flag in Avada Form Builder not working correctly
- FIXED: Blog image links not working correctly
- FIXED: Repeater option fields missing in back-end of Global Options
- FIXED: Compatibility issues with WooCommerce Auctions plugin where "bid now" buttons are not displayed
- FIXED: Post preview being incorrectly displayed
- FIXED: "Nothing Found" message option in Archive element not working
- FIXED: Form alert notice not displaying correctly if Alert element is disabled
- FIXED: Avada Sliders page scrolling up on WP heartbeat AJAX calls
- FIXED: Issue of the Events Calendar plugin where the events list is not properly displayed when events are excluded from our search form