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Asset CleanUp Pro

WP Asset CleanUp Pro Nulled

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* Improvement: Plugin Updater / When using /?wpacu_force_plugin_updater in the Dashboard (e.g. in the "Plugins" page), the cache related to the latest detected version is cleared (e.g. in case the admin has problems updating the plugin, the query string can be used, before re-trying the plugin update)
* Improvement: "Plugins Manager" - Added the "currency" query string to the list of common strings that are ignored when an early detection is made for the homepage (e.g. is considered the homepage)
* Fix: "Plugins Manager" - "IN FRONTEND VIEW (your visitors)" / "Enable all the rules below" option / Make sure it always updates on click as there were issues with it in the previous release
* Fix: "Plugins Manager" - Sometimes, while being in the "IN FRONTEND VIEW (your visitors)" tab, errors were showing for the "IN THE DASHBOARD /wp-admin/", thus, confusing the admin
* Fix: Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) has been discovered on an AJAX call within the CSS/JS manager; New parameters were added to the call to avoid any unsanitized inp
* Fix: The "usermeta" table is populated with duplicate entries, leading to a larger database, and sometimes, leading to a high CPU usage
* New Option: "Settings" -- "Plugin Usage Preferences" -- "Plugin Access" / Choose user roles or particular users, apart from administrators, that could have access to the plugin area * e.g. the admin could give Asset CleanUp Pro access within the Dashboard to a developer that is optimizing the website, but the developer does not have the "administrator" role for security reasons
* "wpacu_access_role" filter is no longer active (related to the option mentioned above), as it wasn't 100% effective into changing who accesses the Asset CleanUp Pro area
* "Nextend Social Login and Register" plugin compatibility / Make sure the homepage is still detected if the following query string is in the URI: "nsl_bypass_cache"

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