Nulled Scripts Community

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Ask Me

WP Ask Me 7.0.1 Nulled

No permission to download
=== Fixed and Improved ===
+ Last WordPress version ready.
+ Updated the last version of WooCommerce.
+ Added a new option to allow the users to register with English letters only or not.
+ Added a new option at User setting/Register Setting to allow for the users to register with spaces or not.
+ Added a new option in the User setting/Register Setting to add a maximum letter for the username with the user register.
+ Added a new option to add a ChatGPT prompt to make it respond better based on your words.
+ Added a new option to add a ChatGPT role content to make it respond better based on your words.
+ Fixed the bugs.
=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Last WordPress version ready.
+ Updated the last version WooCommerce.
+ Added Stripe as a new payment method.
+ Added a new manual payment option to add your bank details.
+ Added new custom payments box details if you want to add any other manual details for them.
+ Added a new option to report the users.
+ Added a new email template to send it to admin when anyone report users.
+ Added a new column on the users page on admin area to show the registration date.
+ Added a new option to block users for each other or not.
+ Added a new page template to see your blocking users and unblock them if you want.
+ Fixed the bugs.
=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
  • Last WordPress version ready.
  • Updated the last version WooCommerce.
  • Added a new option to pay to ask with points or not.
  • Added a new option to choose what’s points need to ask a new question.
  • Added a new option to pay to sticky question with points or not.
  • Added a new option to choose what’s points need to sticky question.
  • Added a new option to choose if the private answer the user who added the question can see it also or not.
  • Added a new option to activate the SMTP mail with host, port, name, password and secure.
  • Improved the responsive.
  • Fixed all the mail problems.
  • Fixed the bugs.

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