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WP Asgard 1.1.5 Nulled

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Easily Share your Social Content
With Asgard, you’ll be able to create alerts from different social networks to let visitor know what you are up to, show your feed or simply have a like/follow box!

+ Followers!!
Quickly show people featured content, let them know upcoming events or videos, give them messages, or just have a subscriber live counter always at hand!

Easy to Edit
With the Alerts Builder it’s really easy to edit the alerts elements! From position and colors, to animations, sizes and content.

40+ Custom Alert Templates
We designed custom alerts for each network having in mind what each one may need. For example, for Twitter we made a follow box and a tweets feed. For Instagram we included a live followers counter and a feed box. And for Twitch, we included a stream box and match results for eSports games. If you have a suggestion for new ones, just leave us a comment!

Builder Demo
We created a builder to make it easier for you to build and customize the alerts and alerts groups the way you want! Change texts, colors, icons, sizes, and much more with just a few clicks! For some social networks, you even have the option to easily import all your info with your access token! The builder automatically fills the info with just a few steps!

Dedicated Templates
Each Social Network has dedicated designs to fit their target audiences, for example Facebook and Twitter, for all kinds of business and startups, Instagram for influencers, models and clothing stores, Twitch and Youtube, for streamers, vloggers, eSports players and teams, Patreon for artists and freelancers and Discord, for people that want to build a community.

Static and Dynamic Alerts Templates
Some of the alerts have static content, like the messages or countdown ones. Those are meant for you to fill with your content, but others (the ones that have the “server” tag) have dynamic content that automatically grabs the info!

Change Colors, Fonts and More to Fit your Brand!
We included in the builder lots of options for you to customize your alerts templates! Colors, texts, fonts (with Google Fonts), icons (SVG and Font Awesome), link images & videos, positions, and much more!

Load your Info with Just a Few Steps!
For dynamic alerts templates the plugin automatically grabs your social info for you! For example, the Twitter follow box or the Youtube subscribe box. For some of these, you’ll need your access token. You can read more in the documentation!

Alerts for Seven Different Social Networks
To give you the most options for the plugin, we included 7 of the top Social Networks. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, Youtube, Patreon & Discord! If you want another social network that isn’t here, just let us know in the comments!

Multiple Alert Groups for Easier Access
We added the option for having multiple social network alerts. You’ll be able to create a group so your audience will be able to quickly change between the different social networks of your choosing with just one click!
3.7 MB
First release
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  1. v1.1.5

    - Adds 2 new YouTube alerts, Channel Feed V1 and Channel Feed V2. These new alerts allow the...

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