Authorization. You can allow new users to authorize and register on your website with a Discord account. With extensive settings, you can have good control over authorization. Block unverified profiles and profiles without passed members screening. Allow only members of your guild or disallow members from any other guild; Allow members that have certain roles in your guild or block members with these roles. Allow people to comment with Discord profile. Use editor blocks to add a login button in your template or use shortcode to place it anywhere. You can also add an option to authorize with Discord to the default WordPress login form.
Roles synchronization. Synchronize WordPress user roles and Discord guild roles in both directions. You can configure a bond between two roles and make guild member roles appear/disappear automatically on the website or WP roles appear at guild members. You can assign roles with different membership plugins, including Memberpress. Multiple roles setups are also supported.
Chat. You can use chat widgets and blocks to display updating feed from any channel in your guild. You can also output Discord rules and pinned messages. Chat settings will allow you to control output data, like removing images or video to optimize traffic or hide links to have better control on SEO. At the bottom of the widget, there is a call to action with an invite to any selected channel.
Announcements. Argus can send automatic notifications to the guild channel about new content and changes on the website. Notification will have a link to the website page, excerpt, @everyone mention, and event date. It is integrated with The Events Calendar and Modern Events Calendar. It also works with Woocommerce orders, you can get notifications about new orders in your store.
Invitations. With an invitation banner, you can create a big button, optionally with a members counter, that will attract attention and invite people to your guild. Also, you can output a widget with currently online members and call to connect.
Sharing. You can add sharing button to your website. It will allow visitors to share links to the page on their own guild.
Helpful shortcodes. You also will have a number of small shortcodes that will help you to make texts more dynamic. Like the number of members in the guild – a simple number that will update automatically, or link shortcode that will output link to the selected channel and keep it constantly up to date.
Dashboard widget. Quik message widget will allow you to send quick messages with images directly from the website media library to the Discord channel.