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Archive Site

xF2 Add-on Archive Site 2.0.1

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bugfix: make declaration of setToUser compatible with parent in extension of Mail class for both XF v2.2 and v2.3
This new release includes a major change to the user archiving process.

Previously, we simply removed the passwords and removed the ability to set a new password, but didn't fully disable archived users. This was so they still showed up in member lists and didn't affect the member counts and so on.

Now, we do fully disable all archived users to prevent all forms of login or emails, etc - and we have modified the user lists so archived user still show. We use a table to store the previous user state so users can be restored and so we can select only previously valid users to include in user counts etc.

There is a new screen in the admin UI "Partially archived users" which shows users who had been archived using the previous versions of this addon. There is a new archive process which will fully archive these partially archived users. You don't need to run this, but it is recommended to fully disable all users.

This release also fixes a few UI display things that were previously broken by core template changes and has now been tested on XF 2.2 and 2.3
  • bugfix: hide birthday and thread not open message only for guests
v1.1.0 (unreleased)
  • hide birthday from member about page

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