Setup your own mega-savings coupon site and start monetizing your traffic! Our feature-rich theme was designed for ease-of-use and tight integration with WordPress so you’ll be online and providing coupons within minutes.
With thousands of AppThemes customers and a very active community, you can trust that Clipper is here to stay. To learn more about our features, continue reading below.
Monetize Your Coupon Site
Clipper now includes our popular payment system so in addition to making income on affiliate referrals, you can charge visitors to list coupons on your site. PayPal and bank transfer modules are included. Additional payment plugins are available in our Marketplace.

Advanced Link Cloaking & Tracking
Affiliate links are unsightly and can deter your visitors from clicking them. Fortunately, Clipper automatically hides your coupon and store affiliate links. Not only that, Clipper tracks key metrics like page views, clicks, & click thru rates (CTRs).

Dedicated Store & Category Pages
Clipper includes two additional page templates which automatically update and display your entire list of stores and categories. It’s a great way to allow your visitors to browse. It also helps Google easily index your content.

Custom Email Templates
Take total control of your customer communication by composing your own custom email templates.