FIXED: IP address was visible on recent login log for users who did not have permission to view IP
FIXED: Updated user note "entered on" phrase to make easier to translate
ADDED: Confirmation to user note deletion and used POST to delete
FXIED: Moved permission check logic to the entity
FIXED: Removed country filter if no API was configured
FIXED: Removed columns on profile and recent login page if no API is configured
FIXED: Updated recently banned users on dashboard with some show spam user logic as banned user list
FIXED: Update andrew_reg_country to allow null on entity to prevent error with NF Tickets
FIXED: Refactored how user note category counts are updated to prevent rare scenario of having a negative number
FIXED: Missing code in search users by IP address
FIXED: Added additional null check for country that would kick an occasinoal error with some add-ons
FIXED: Extra colon on user registration (country) field
FIXED: Broken link when review rejected users entry
UPDATED: Check for spam cleaner log instead of spam cleaner phrase for when not showing spam cleaned users on banned
FIXED: Bug where "Privileged" user note option would show when editing a message (forum post) for users with the user note permission
UPDATED: Now accept reason of "Spam" for banned reason to exclude from showing on banned users list when option to show spam users is unchecked
FIXED: Bug where any user could see user notes if they had either permission viewModeratorPanel or viewUserNotes
FIXED: Bug where clicking to see more user notes on profile would show all user notes instead of only user notes for the specific user
UPDATE: Updated several template modifications to support XF 2.1 - 2.3
UPDATE: Template with conditional for 2.1 to hide options not supported in 2.1
REMOVE: Profile banner from showing on user file to extend support to XF 2.1
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