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Alert Improvements by Xon

xF2 Add-on Alert Improvements by Xon 2.12.2

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 2.1
  2. 2.2
  3. 2.3
Additional Requirements
php 7.0+
Standard Library by Xon
A collection of improvements to the XenForo Alerts system.

This add-on requires php 7.0.x or newer.
This add-on requires XF 2.1.x or newer.

Do not use MySQL statement-based replication with this add-on

  • Per-alert 'mark read' links on each alert
  • Multi-select ability to mark alerts as read or unread.
  • Avoid unexpected marking alerts as read by browser prefetch, this may result in alerts not being marked as read as expected.
  • Supports the following add-ons:
    • Content Ratings 1.3.x
  • Global Optional, Alert summarization by selected content type or user
  • User Option to prevent marking as read when accessing /accounts/alerts page.
  • User Option to prevent summarization when accessing /accounts/alerts page.
  • User Option to adjust summarization threshold
  • Only mark alerts that are viewed on alert page/alert pop-up, not all alerts
    • If an alert was explicitly marked as unread, skip marking that alert as read.
Supported content types for alert summarization
  • Posts, Conversation, Profile post, profile post comments Likes
  • Reactions (From Content Ratings)
  • Various conversation related alerts from Conversation Essentials for XF2
Performance impact
  • Adds an extra column to xf_alert.
    • Code:
      alter table xf_user_alert summerize_id add int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL
  • 1 extra SELECT query per thread page request when the user has more than zero active alerts.
    • If there are alerts to mark as read, then an extra UPDATE is required.
Alert Summarization Performance impact
  • On accessing alerts above the summarize threshold, fetches all unread alerts and attempts to group them in PHP.
  • On successfully generating summary alerts, 2 queries are done. 1 insert to add the summary alert, 1 updating summarized alerts.
86.3 KB
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. 2.12.2 - Bugfix & Feature update

    Fix edge case where clicking 'mark read' on an alert or the 'all' alerts button would miss...
  2. 2.11.1 - XenForo 2.3 support

    Require StandardLib v1.21.0+ XF2.3 support Recommend a minimum of XF2.3.2, as otherwise alert...
  3. 2.10.12 - Maintainance update

    When the user's alert count is non-zero, the alert-popup is forced to fetch unread alerts first...

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