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[AL] Original Poster Highlight

xF2 Add-on [AL] Original Poster Highlight 1.5.0

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In this release, we have added two new positions in the Style properties called Text: Post Date (left) and Text: Post Date (right). Positions are putting thread starter text indicator on the left or right side of the post date.
This release implements XenForo 2.2.x support. The only issue we have reproduced was not adding the indicator next to the New indicator. If you have any issues and see any errors please let us know and we will resolve them asap.
In this update, we have changed the display order of the option group and the style property to show them after default XenForo items.
The release fixes a cosmetic issue with "Thread starter" not being aligned with the "Reply" link on XenForo 2.1.x versions. The issue affects you only if you have used "Text: Public Controls" for the indicator location and did not enable the option "Round Avatar Fix".

We have also added descriptions for the template modifications. If you use XenForo 2.1.x you will see that the modifications meant for XenForo 2.0.x fail to apply, and that's normal.

Thank you!
The release adds a missing template for XenPorta support.
As reported by some users they use XenForo 2.1.x but with square avatars, so we have made it optional to enable round avatar fix. The option is disabled by default and can be enabled in the product's options page.
This release implements XenForo 2.1 compatibility by implementing styling of the badge to match XenForo round avatars style. This is achieved by adding a new CSS class to HTML tag on XenForo 2.1.x only - v_2_1, and this CSS class is used to tweak the look of the badge. Left Top/Right top locations are modified to show a rounded badge. The locations are supported on mobile as well, but the look may be sub-optimal, so please check how it looks on mobiles to decide if you want to use it. Bottom location is deactivated on XenForo 2.1 as it interferes with the online status indicator.

We have merged the changes implemented by @Nerdface at so if you need these locations you can install this update safely. The only change from our side is that we have removed custom styling applied to style property "Indicator Design", so if you may need to check this style property and see if you need to put any background or text color there.

Please note, that the look of badges is tested on default theme only. Large changes in sizes of avatars or other layout elements may affect the location and the look of badges. Feel free to check the CSS code in the template aloph_op_ribbon_style to tweak it according to your needs.
This is a bug fix release where we have removed an unneeded JS reference from "aloph_op_ribbon".
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