Afterlogic WebMail Pro

Script Afterlogic WebMail Pro 9.7.8 Nulled

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[+] QR code for 2FA is now generated independently from external vendors
[+] Added an option for disabling user in adminpanel
[+] Added Note field for user in adminpanel
[+] Auth tokens are now invalidated when updating account password on login
[*] Fixed issue with saving sent mail for scheduled messages
[*] Fixed issue with logging user into Rocket.Chat
[*] Fixed issue with closing a task
[*] Various fixes and improvements
[+] Storing PGP keys in team contacts
[+] Dark theme
[+] Unsubscribe functionality
[*] EnableFailedLoginBlock option is now turned on by default
[*] cPanel installer updated to support the latest version of cPanel
[*] Various bugfixes
[+] Ability to store AuthToken in database
[+] Mail module authentication form added
[+] Adding custom JS and HTML supported
[*] Update configuration bugfix
[*] Creating new note fixed
[*] Accessing folder via public link fixed
[*] DAV access issue corrected
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